Friday, 31 December 2021

A Picturesque End To The Year.

 Burgenland is nature.

The sun rose brilliantly this morning, shining its special light on a herd of deer holding a breakfast meeting. Long may they live although Bob and I heard poachers in our forest last night...

A mere path leading into the neighbouring distance but I do find it rather fitting for today. A new year is upon us and although we want it to go our way, it could unfold in other ways as the end of it is unclear. Let's be surprised.

The haziness of a warm day in the offing. Today's temperatures are un-seasonally warm with an expected 15 degrees!

A field waiting to be seeded.  A field of possibilities similar to the year ahead for all of us. The way we plant our mental seeds, so it will turn out to be. We should never underestimate our powerful mind....

   You think it, you ink it.

Most of us are complaining about how hard this year was and how difficult the new one might be.  But really, we are so fortunate as we have a home, enough food to eat, family and health.

This memorial in Eisenberg lists the various villagers that never made it home from either of the world wars. Kind of puts our problems into perspective.


Thursday, 30 December 2021

A Bit More About The New Year.

 A few more quotes...

" And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been. "
Rainer Maria Rilke

" Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering, ' it will be happier ' . " 
Alfred Lord Tennyson

" Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbours,
 and let every new year find you a better man. "
Benjamin Franlin

" New Year's Day is every man's birthday. "
Charles Lamb

" Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one. "
Brad Paisley

" Each age has deemed the new-born year The fittest time for festal cheer. "
Sir Walter Scott

" In the New Year, never forget to thank your past years because they enabled you to reach today! Without the stairs of the past, you cannot arrive at the future! "
Mehmet Murat ildan

" You can't get to where today needs to take you if you're holding on to yesterday. "
Toni Sorenson

" As we begin a New Year, let's discard what was jaded. Let's put on in its place, the beautiful garments of Faith, Hope and Love. "
Anusha Atukorala


Wednesday, 29 December 2021

The End Of The Year Is Near.

 I bet we are all looking forward to the next one!

Usually the odd years are luckier than the even ones, but with this darn pandemic everything tends to be upside down. Although all things considered, the year before wasn't much fun either.

Who would have thought that we are on the cusp of 2022? A lucky number if there ever was one and perhaps it portends the final morphing of corona into flu. Let's hope so. One good thing about this pandemic is that a lot of countries are banning the use of fireworks. And about time too. Does nobody consider the plight of all the animals who don't know why there is such a lot of noise for hours on end? I suppose if they would they wouldn't eat animals either.

From Saturday hordes of people are going to enter their yearly diet phase and falter at the first sighting of cake, crisps or chocolates. All the best laid plans and so forth....One would think that by now, eons of time later, somebody had discovered a sure fire way to keep the pounds off. Or rather, make the annual dietary straight-jacket a thing of the past.   

Most of the shops are selling good luck charms to ring in the new year and perhaps that might not be such a bad idea. We could all do with a bit or lot of luck. Marzipan piglets and chimney sweeps are most favoured. Now I know why our chimney sweep chose to only come back the second week of January. A lot less of being touched for luck in his case.

In Great Britain they have a lovely tradition. Well, a newish one that has more people embracing it year after year. Yes, VEGANUARY which means that each person makes a pledge to go vegan for the month of January in order to help the environment and save the animals. Thirty days isn't a lot in the grand scheme of things and easily doable. Let's hope that many more will embrace this New Year's resolution and keep a few of the new habits learned. Every bit helps.

So, two more days until we head into 2022 and hopefully a luckier year for all of us.


Tuesday, 28 December 2021

Lost In Time.

 Between The Holidays.

The most divine part of being on holiday is when one wakes up and literally doesn't know what day of the week it is. Marvelous. Magic and often surprising. Suddenly what one thinks of as a Sunday turns into a Saturday and thus an extra day garnered.

Bob and I have so far had a wonderful time at home. His leave seems endless and deservedly so. The days keep rolling by and often the most effort exerted was to decide which book to read, what program to watch or what food to snack on. No pressure to get dressed in anything but comfortable lounge wear.

Now and again we have to get dressed up for town but even that is not such a hassle due to corona and not lingering longer than necessary. Since the start of corona most people, rightfully so, keep to themselves and keep their head down. Hard to recognize anyone with the mask in any case. 

After almost two years of this pandemic attitudes and habits are starting to shift. Whereas home was often a base between travel, work and going out, now it has become what it should be..a home. Staying in is the new going out. Cooking the hobby of the day and skype-ing the new visiting.

Letting go of keeping time is one of life's therapies. Most of us are tethered to a clock and schedule of sorts and never get more than a glimpse of life beyond it at weekends. Finding joy in staying home and whiling the time away with what we love is priceless. Long may it last.


Monday, 27 December 2021

A Little Bit Of Plant Based Wisdom.

 Others have said it best.

" I don't understand why asking people to eat a well-balanced vegetarian diet is considered drastic, while it is medically conservative to cut people open or put them on powerful cholesterol-lowering drugs the rest of their lives. "
Dean Ornish, M.D.

" None of us ask for fried chicken, pork chops, or ice cream in the delivery room. We are all born without preferences. Everything we think we like, we were taught to like. "
Milton Mills, M.D.

" When I was 88 years old, I gave up meat entirely and switched to a plant foods diet following a slight stroke. During the following months, I not only lost 50 pounds, but gained strength in my legs and picked up stamina. Now, at age 93, I'm on the same plant-based diet, and I still don't eat any meat or dairy products. I either swim, walk or paddle a canoe daily and I feel the best I've felt since my heart problems began. "
Benjamin Spock, M.D.

"  I know of nothing else in medicine that can come close to what a plant-based diet can do. In theory, if everyone were to adopt this, I really believe we can cut health care costs by seventy to eighty percent. That's amazing. And it all comes from understanding nutrition, applying nutrition, and just watching the results. "
T. Colin Campbell

" Let's start with the most prominent ecological crisis of our time: global warming. When you look seriously at the numbers, you find that switching from a meat-based to a plant-based diet would do more to curb and reverse global warming than any other initiative. "
T. Colin Campbell

" When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need. "
Ayurvedic Proverb

" Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances of survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet. "
Albert Einstein


Sunday, 26 December 2021

And Suddenly It Was Cold.

 Appreciating the luxury of warmth.

Both of us were so distracted from our ordinary daily routine due to having nice and long family conversations all over the world ( marvel of technology ) that we clean forgot to feed a new bag of pellets into our oven. Yes, you guessed it our evening had a bite of coldness about it.

We only realized at about half past five and thought it was too late to put the oven on again. What difference would one missed burn make? It was almost time to head for bed in any case. Yes, winters equate to much earlier bedtimes and have nothing in common with the youthful elan unearthed by  summer.

By about seven o'clock we noticed the chill. Both of us got jerseys and sat watching tv the way we did in our youth...with socks, blankets and hot chocolate. It can be done but a warm house is something special after all.

Mausi didn't mind so much as she has a way of wrangling her way under a warm blanket but Maxi was a different story. He can't burrow under our blankets and the one I put over him in his basket tends  to be tossed aside ( maybe not on purpose ) once he changes position.  When we went through to the bedroom and left him in the lounge, I did worry whether he was warm enough.

The warm duvet and blanket must have caused me to fall asleep quickly until midnight when all of a sudden a voice boomed out of the dark and into my subconscious.

                               " Turn on your side, you are snoring!!!!! "

Clearly he must have mistaken me for Mausi, as eh, I don't snore but then again when I saw Bob put the spare pillow over part of his head, I couldn't deny or ignore my audible breathing. Going back to sleep ( for me at least ) was out of the question so I headed through to the lounge with Mausi in tow.

Just as well I did because poor Maxi was uncovered and in my mind at least, shivering from the cold. Thankfully I could cover him up again that is until he tossed about during a lively dream of running after rabbits. The rest of my night saw me get up a few times to cover him up again much to the charging of Miss Mausi who didn't like to be woken up and moved from her warm place on the blanket.

What our whole ' oven adventure ' brought home to me was how incredible fortunate we are to have a warm house to live in. There are so many people all over the world who have to endure the ugly side of winter without the modern comforts that we have. And yes, first thing this morning we fed our oven and had a nice warm morning not long after it sprang to life at seven a.m.


Friday, 24 December 2021

Walking Before Everyone Is Awake.

 A beautiful Christmas morning.

Having a dog has many advantages and one of them is walking early in the morning, before everyone is awake. Even better during winter as the feeling of owning the dark along with stars, planes and the moon is priceless.

This morning, despite it being bitterly cold, was delightful. The stars were en masse, the odd plane reflected its beacon along the way and the street lights provided a modicum of safety. Seeing the village asleep like this was wonderfully peaceful.

A lot of the houses along our round were clad in Christmas lights and took turns to sparkle and create a modern version of an age old story. Maxi of course was only interested in the various smells encountering his nostrils and it was quite nice when he paused for a moment as it gave me a chance to contemplate the various sparkles in the sky which made me realize how nice our surrounds are.

A few of the houses were rubbing the sleep from their eyes or rather having their shutters raised. It is a local custom to have shutters on most windows which makes for total darkness, but I find that windows should be there to witness the world go by and of course to let light in. Perhaps the rising electricity prices will have more locals raise their shutters permanently.

Christmas crept up on us at an incredible speed and now that it is here a feeling of nostalgia alongside a childlike giddy expectation has appeared. I look forward to this festive season and hope that all of us manage to relax, recharge and rewire our stretched nerves back to normal.


Thursday, 23 December 2021

The Love Of Reading Endures.

Reading, a must at Christmas.

" Never trust anyone who hasn't brought a book with them. "
Lemony Snicket, Horseradish

" A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted at the end.
 You live several lives while reading. "
William Styron

" I cannot remember the books I have read any more than the meals I have eaten; 
even though, they have made me. "
Ralph Waldo Emerson

" Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge;
 it is thinking that makes what we read ours. "
John Locke

" Reading brings us unknown friends. "
Honore de Balzac

" If you don't like to read, you haven't found the right book. "
J.K. Rowling

" Why can't people just sit and read books and be nice to each other? "
David Baldacci

" To learn to read is to light a fire; every syllable that is spelled out is a spark. "
Victor Hugo

" No entertainment is so cheap as reading, nor any pleasure so lasting. "
Mary Wortley Montagu

" Ah, how good it is to be among people who are reading. "
Rainer Maria Rilke


Wednesday, 22 December 2021

The Luxury Of Cooking From A Full Fridge.

...Beginning of the month!

Granted, we don't shop monthly as firstly I couldn't work out what and how much to buy, secondly our fridge wouldn't fit everything in and thirdly, I would miss out on my weekly therapy of perusing the various grocery aisles. Yes, I know, weird!

A few years ago I worked with a girl who used to only shop once a month with the odd top up of bread and milk in between. She and her husband would head out with a big shopping list and calculator. Most of the time they managed to plan everything down to the last supper unless of course a case of the munchies had arisen. One of the main things  I recall vividly was the way she planned meals at the end of the month. Scraps of this and left over of that and often she told me of the fabulous meals created. If by chance they ran a day short, there was always a trip to her parents on offer.

After yesterday's shop and honestly, it was a bit more than usual as we mistook the event of Christmas for a month of closed shops. Or so it seems when I look around the fridge and larder. Does everyone overdo it for Christmas or is it just a case of trying to relive our youth with the help of old time favourites? Thank goodness we can't get a vegan version of a Christmas cake yet because that would be Bob's first choice ( I don't like it so he would end up having to eat the whole cake! ) while I tend to stick with the decadence of creamy joghurts, ice creams and bread.

So, back to my thought for this blog today. Our fridge is full with yummy foods to be made. So full that I don't know what to make first. The vegetables are all still nice and crisp so they don't need to head so quickly to the cooking pot but on the other hand, that delightful piece of vegan Greek Cheese just begs to be devoured, either melted over a nice plate of pasta intertwined with broccoli or eaten as is with some nice rye bread and a glass of Burgenland's finest...Again, I am grateful for the sheer luxury of having more than enough to eat.


Tuesday, 21 December 2021

A Day Filled With Gratitude.

 Trying not to take everything for granted.

Bob and I headed into town today to do our weekly shop and also for Bob to get some new glasses made up. Fielmann, I still can't believe how affordable they are. Bob got new frames plus lenses for 17,50 euros. Fabulous and at that price it isn't a problem if a pair of glasses gets sat on, falls on the floor or gets left behind.

As you can expect this close to Christmas, town was hectic and I am beginning to wonder whether a whole slew of shoppers had the same idea as us. Avoid the mall and head for town where we can get everything we need and more. Town has so much to offer but even they have a few shops closing down. Corona-lockdowns and Amazon, I suspect!

 Did I mention that there is an Indian Spice shop that has a big variety of pulses, curry spices and Bob's and my parent's new found favourite...potato samosas. Lunch, done and dusted. Our staple food are pulses of all sorts and I am amazed how versatile and cheap they are. A bag of 500 g dried chickpeas cost 1,5 euros and once cooked can make six main meals. Ah, grateful to be vegan!

Throughout the morning we shopped here and there and got everything we wanted. For that I am grateful beyond words as in these times it isn't a given that one can put enough food on the table. Oberwart even has a new shop that caters for those that can't afford groceries ( and due to the ongoing pandemic many more people are falling into this category ). A sort of supermarket where people can get registered and get groceries at reduced prices.

There are so many things I am grateful for and honestly, I often forget to express my gratitude. Having a full fridge, petrol in our car, food for the pets, a house to call our home and of course the best of all, the family. Yes, life is a blessing and it feels blessed.


Monday, 20 December 2021

Nurse Biggi On Call...

 Little Maxi was feeling poorly last night.

In the middle of the night I picked up on Maxi and his troubles. A sort of sixth sense woke me up and rightly so as the boy was half sitting half standing with his head bowed lethargically. Along with a melody of sounds coming from his stomach! Not something that bodes well.

Believe me, I was instantly alert and got up to see to him. He just stood there looking poorly and very sad. The noises emitted by his stomach made me hasten to the front door in order to put on a warm coat. Bear in mind it was just after midnight and icy cold outside. Once Maxi heard me putting on my coat he trotted to me and stood to have his leash put on. Yes, a sure sign that he needed to go.

Off we went into the cold night. Me in my striped summer p.j.'s and Bob's crocs. No time for sock or proper shoes and in any case, I didn't want to wake up Bob by getting socks etc. As to be expected, our loving feral cat was lingering and happy to see us so early. Gosh, he clung so close to Maxi and kept giving him little nudges of encouragement and support.

A few meters along and no go. Maxi kept on standing still waiting for something. With forethought I had taken extra poop bags but even though I made him walk repeatedly up and down, thankful that no car drove past to witness my bedhead and p.j.'s, we had to call it a night and go back inside...

The duvet had just warmed me up when Maxi again trotted to the door and just stood dejectedly while his stomach gurgled like mad. Nothing for it but to repeat the whole event. Again, no success apart from a cat being ecstatic to have us there again. Last night we repeated this walkies routine three times alas  without any result. Gosh, it is awful to have a pet feel sick and not know how to help him. Can't give him a cup of chamomile tea or a hot water bottle to relieve his discomfort,can I?

Eventually he agreed to be taken for a longer walk at half past six but even that was taken without the usual elan. Breakfast wasn't touched either which made Bob and I extremely worried. Any attempts at cuddling him were met with a decidedly angry attempt at snapping at us, which didn't help at all.

Thankfully about two hours later he was  more his old self again and even had a few bites to eat plus a happier mien. Just like any of us feeling poorly, he just needed to be left alone in peace to get better...


Sunday, 19 December 2021

Never Forget The Wine.

Burgenland & wine, a perfect combination.

" Either give me wine or leave me alone. "

" If we sip the wine, we find dreams coming upon us out of the imminent night. "
D. H. Lawrence 

" is a constant proof that God loves us, and loves to see us happy. "
Benjamin Franklin

" I want to start a book club. But instead of reading books, we trash talk and drink wine. "
Tanya Masse

" If you ask a server for a seriously old wine in my neighbourhood,
 they'll look at you funny then bring you a half-finished glass from somebody else's table. "
Gina Barreca

" It is no coincidence that, on all four sides, in all four corners, 
the borders of the Roman Empire stopped where wine could no longer be made. "
Neel Burton

" Anyone can produce a blend full of complexity,
 but a monovarietal that exudes complex layers is a sign of a master winemaker. "
Tony Margiotta

" The simplest definition of a great bottle of wine is when you feel sad because the bottle is empty. "
Tony Margiotta

" If there was any magic in this world that was not magic, it was wine. "
Lev Grossman

" Good wines are produced in small quantities. It is a matter of time and attention
 and picking only the best grapes. Today they get as much as they can out of the ground, and what can you expect? The wine has no taste. "
John Hillaby


Saturday, 18 December 2021

Is There Anything More Annoying Than Knowing You've Got Biscuits At Home?

 Finding new hiding spots.

I know it is my own fault as I was the one who bought it. A packet of Manner Schnitten which happen to be vegan. Vegan but not healthy. In fact once upon a time there were three packets of it and I wonder where the other two disappeared to!!! Obviously Manner knows how to hook us. Why buy one packet when you can get three?

Even now as I sit here in the kitchen a little voice keeps calling me from behind. ' Eat me! I taste so good! ' yeah yeah, heard that siren call before and I shall try and ignore it.

You know, some days I eat a whole lot of other stuff in order to avoid picking up these biscuits. How dilly is that!!! 

More and more vegan treats are coming onto the market and just because it says vegan does not make it healthy. Too much processed stuff is not good be it vegan or not. Lately I have been following a group on Facebook that only posts photos of vegan food they found in shops. 

Daily I get nudges for ice creams, pralines, chips, sausages or cheeses and I have to say that I am thankful that we don't live in a city as I would be hot-footing it to the nearest supermarket. Might be time to un-follow this group....

Now and again I get overly enthusiastic and bake a batch of biscuits but even though they are of a healthy kind it doesn't help if Bob and I wolf them down before they have even a chance to cool off. Is there anything more tempting than a batch of freshly baked biscuits? Well, freshly baked bread comes in as a close second.

Coming back to my Manner temptation; time to either eat them or ditch them but, as I have just realized, the next hurdle is near. Christmas time means that we get lots of chocolates and stuff and a tantalizing bar of Lindt is vying for my attention...


Friday, 17 December 2021

A Christmas Riddle!

Governmental paradox?

The numbers are coming down and so they should be. We've just come out of a three week lockdown and are facing a mandatory vaccine policy from February next year. A perfect reason to get vaccinated early and many are. Good so far if it weren't for that rascal omicron.

The whole world knows that this new version is not nice. Where it has taken a hold, the numbers are climbing exceptionally, almost exponentially fast. Thankfully so far this variant isn't more lethal nor sends more people to hospital but the sheer fact that it is so transmittable could mean that hospitals won't be able to cope. It is a question of numbers and the more people get infected, the more might have severe outcomes.

Now to the crux of the matter; today our health minister announced that everyone, even those not vaccinated, will be allowed to spend Christmas with up to 10 people! What on earth? Surely now would be the time to buckle down and carry on social distancing? Are we walking into another lockdown with our eyes open?

One of the reasons given was the fact that Christmas is such an important time for people and it thus shouldn't be taken away from them...all very well but what about the jobs that are hanging on to a fine thread after four national lockdowns? Businesses are being decimated, restaurants are closing down and it is only a matter of time before it all spirals out of control. Is it really worth it, spending a few days with your family all the while praying that we don't pass the virus on to them?

I just have to wonder if it wouldn't be better to have an international leader who would take on the management of this pandemic for the whole world. Countries should coordinate instead of isolate. Vaccines should be spread around instead of horded by the wealthy. A booster shot won't be much use if new variants keep developing in those that can't afford a first dose. Millions of people getting together at close quarters over Christmas will be a smorgasbord for all those billions of omicron cells to feast on. Time to take a step back and reconsider.

What cheers me up quite a bit is the fact that earlier on I ran into my neighbour ( kept social distance ) and she told me how her husband couldn't believe how stupid and dangerous this new Christmas decree is and that we might as well prepare for a new lockdown right now. Yes, thankfully on an individual level that good old fashioned common sense is still alive and kicking.


Thursday, 16 December 2021

And Christmas Nears...

 A mere eight more days.

Christmas music is everywhere and most days I tend to have one of the classic songs looping in my head. Be it Wham!'s Last Christmas  or Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas. The other day I asked Bob if he had one of those stuck in his head and he mentioned Boney M.. What can you do.

Isn't it the same each year? At first we think that Christmas is still eons away and all of a sudden it is mere days away. We all know how quickly a week can flit by and I fear it will be the same with this week. Most of us are still unsure how and where we will be spending the day because this darn new Omicron strain seems to have put paid to most of our plans.

 They had announced another anti-corona demo was to take place in Vienna on Sunday ( honestly, do people really think that thousands upon thousands of closely pack people won't in some way prolong the corona measures they are marching against? ) but thankfully business and commerce have put a veto in. 

This Sunday businesses across Austria are allowed to trade but only because we've just had a three week lockdown. A trading Sunday before Christmas could really help fill up the coffers a bit and help pay off losses incurred. Well, imagine what would have happened if Vienna would have been brought to a standstill yet again due to a stupid demo?   Who would even attempt a shop when evading angry mobs is a part of it? Thankfully the demo is only allowed to start at 6 p.m. this Sunday.

Once we get to the 24th, a week of relaxing and rest awaits for most except of course the essential workers that keep a country going. Somehow I hope that this week of rest will pull those doubters back to their rational inner center and that the split among society over corona will heal again. Together we are all stronger and like the new Chancellor keeps reminding us...the virus is the enemy and not those that have a different opinion to ours.


Wednesday, 15 December 2021

A Few More Quotes.

Always interesting.

" Respect for ourselves guides our morals, respect for others guides our manners. "
Laurence Stern

" The final test of a gentleman is his respect for those who can be of no possible service to him. '
William Lyon Phelps

" Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear. "
Albert Camus

" In matters of style, swim with the current;
in matters of principle, stand like a rock. "
Thomas Jefferson

" A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials. "
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

" The actions of men are the best interpreters of their thoughts. "
James Joyce

" People are not disturbed by things, but by the view they take of them. "

" He who defends everything defends nothing. "
Frederick the Great

" Prosperity tries the fortunate, adversity the great. "
Rose Kennedy

" Many a man curses the rain that falls upon his head, 
and knows not that it brings abundance to drive away the hunger. "
Saint Basil

" Every moment is a golden one for him who has the vision to recognize it as such. "
Henry Miller


Tuesday, 14 December 2021

Waiting In The Car...

An interesting shopping experience.

The lockdown has ended for the fully vaccinated and or recovered but not for those who are either not vaccinated, haven't recovered from corona or in my case, have recovered but didn't register it at the time with the powers that be. A slight mistake...

So, there I am, recovered from corona and with my first vaccination behind me which on paper should make me fully vaccinated but in reality doesn't. Trying to get the health department to register me as recovered is near impossible ( and apparently there are thousands of others out there ) yet, after my first vaccination the doctor told me that I didn't need my second, as having recovered from corona automatically meant that I had had my two jabs. Well, not any more.

The new rules mean that I must get my vaccine ( am on the waiting list although there is the required time between vaccinations ) and I suppose a booster shot as well. A booster that will theoretically be my fourth shot! Only then will I be able to participate in life apart from the essential. Groceries, banks, pharmacies etc.

Fair enough, beating this virus takes precedence. What luck then that Bob is on his annual leave. Today we went through to Güssing to shop. Our shower contraption broke and it needed to be replaced. Funnily enough it doesn't count as essential so that meant that I couldn't go into the shop in question. Quite nice actually, being shopped for. Bob was brilliant. I gave him detailed directions to the shelf in question and for good measure added a few extras onto his list, while I sat in the parking lot waiting for him.

It was odd sitting like that as I am so used to whizzing in and out of shops getting all that we need and honestly, I did miss it a tiny bit. Bob, in typical male fashion, only bought what I had put on the list. Men are good that way and perhaps they should give us some lessons. Rarely do I go into a shop and get exactly what I went into it for...oh well, the small pleasures of life.


Monday, 13 December 2021

A Monday That Bodes Well.

 The sky is blue.

Well, not all of it but at least a few smidgeons of blue are shining through. A very welcome sight and this morning my Schatzi was instantly more cheerful when he noticed the sun warming up his face. Life or being allowed to have one should automatically make one cheerful all the time but alas, we are only human after all and get influenced by the little things.

The roads are almost back to being normal, that is, normal to walk on. The snow is melting and along with it some of the icy patches on the road. That is until night falls when the dreadful minus degrees will make it set again. Thankfully each morning there is a bit less ice on the road.

Early this morning when I took the boy outside it was rather comical to see him skating on thin ice. Not the proverbial one even though he tends to do that at times. Didn't get him down though, no, he just stepped to the side and tried again. The only downside to our long walks is the fact that he picks up any and all dirt from the wet road. His little paws are a dark grey when we get home and in need of drying off. 

Today our countrywide lockdown ended and I am quite certain that there was mayhem in the shopping centers all over Austria. Three weeks without shopping means a lot of shoppers with full wallets. As much as I know the shops need the business, I can't help but think that most of the presents bought for Christmas will languish in a drawer, gather dust on a shelf, get returned or only used once or twice. Most of us don't need all the stuff our mind is made aware of in movies, adverts or social media yet we still yearn for it. 
Are we ever going to learn the old adage;  you can't take it with you ?

This week should be filled with nice weather and even if it is not, it is going to be nice. There are a few chores on the to-do list, which I am going to attempt to do, but if for some reason I can't get to them...the new year and its resolutions aren't that far off.


Sunday, 12 December 2021

A Lazy Sunday Yet Again, Brilliant!

 Aided and abetted by the icy cold weather.

Bob, as you know, has already mentioned that snow isn't for him. Fair enough but one can't do much about it except make the best of it. That we do.

Reading is even more fun when it is too cold to venture outside. Well, not too cold but rather too dangerous. Walking on patches of often unseen ice can have tricky side effects. Not any we'd want so it is far better to stay indoors and only venture outside to walk the dog, feed the cats and birds. 

Both of us have quite a lot of books waiting to be read ( by the way, a reader can never have enough books waiting in the wings! ) although the number is dwindling. Knitting is also en vogue again and the lucky winner of my current knitting project is Maxi. Yes, a little blanket in funky multi colours is almost finished. It might be more warm than the old towels I keep tucking him in with. Gosh, he is old and needs a bit of tlc!

Yesterday we watched some golden oldies on Netflix which brought back memories of our youth! Bad Boys 1 and 2 made us both realize how quickly time has flown by. An odd feeling to be old enough to have golden oldies on our horizon.

Today is also a Sunday of sports. Skiing in the morning and of course, the much awaited final race of this year's Formula One championship. My money is on Lewis but regardless of who wins, it will be a cracker of a race. Sunday fodder of note.


Saturday, 11 December 2021

Uncovering Newfold Driving Skills.

 Conquering the mountain of Eisenberg.

Earlier this morning I had to deliver some medicine to an elderly gentleman who lives atop the Eisenberg mountain. Mountain, you may be right in thinking it to be a slight exaggeration and who could blame you. Eisenberg is more of a big hill. Yet enough of a hill to have some very steep patches of road to traverse.

There are two ways to get to where this man's house is. One through the village involving a very steep hill and the other via the main road but alas, also involving a steep bit of road. Because of the recent bout of snow and ice, I decided to attempt my delivery for this morning. 

A good choice apart from the parking situation. Normally I can park right outside the gate but today, due to the snow plow having created two big trenches of snow on each side of the road,  I couldn't. It only dawned on me as I tried to park, that it wasn't a viable option. What if someone wanted to drive past? Well, I couldn't do a three point turn around-too narrow-and so the only option was for me to reverse up the road, firstly hoping that no traffic would appear and secondly that I wouldn't misjudge the distance on my right, as that would have been a nice tumble down the hill.

All in all I had to reverse about two hundred meters and let me tell you, I felt a bit nervous. Those sides of the road came awfully close and I had to stop and redirect a few times. It felt like forever before I came across a wide enough space where I could park and eventually turn around. Never mind stressing about oncoming traffic. That might have been anything but fun!

Eventually I parked the car and I have to say that I felt quite good at having mastered this bit of driving in these awful winter conditions. Another experience behind me, another lesson learnt...beware of the weather....!


Friday, 10 December 2021

The Snow Continues.

 Bob, surprisingly, isn't a fan of it!

Granted it didn't snow much overnight but at the same time the temperatures didn't improve thus almost cementing yesterday's snow onto our driveways, steps and lawns. As pretty as it looks, the slippery it is.

Early this morning I had to take the boy outside and, yikes, was it icy. He didn't seem to mind and after having eventually lifted his leg, decided he wanted to stay out a bit longer. The ice was so crunchy and talkative that it woke our feral cat. Minutes later he could be heard cracking along on the icy road to reach us.

Today was designated as our shopping day and honestly, the fridge and co were getting rather empty. Snow or not, we had to go out. Yesterday I cleared the driveway of its layer of snow but when I wanted to do our lawn ( the bit where we have to drive the chariot over ) as well, Bob said not to worry as he would do it in the morning. I can tell you now, that this morning, early morning when he headed outside to shovel, he was regretting this generous offer.

Driving when it is so treacherous isn't for the faint of heart and even worse for those driving with  a spousal passenger. Surely it was my spousal duty to mention the fact that he was firstly driving too fast ( although he was still in second gear ), braking too late and listening to music that should be heard with earphones. Well, I bet he says that about my taste in music!

Suffice to say that Bob stated categorically that winter is not to his liking and he couldn't wait for it to move along. Fair enough, the slippery snow and all it entails doesn't make me a huge fan of this part of winter either. 


Thursday, 9 December 2021

And Then Came The Snow.

 A winter wonder land ensues.

We woke up this morning to a landscape dressed in white. Everything from roofs to lawns was covered in a thick layer of snow. Too beautiful. Even the telephone wire had issues with balancing an inch of snow atop of it.

As romantic and scenic it is, the reality of it didn't take long to appear. How to take Maxi out for his ablutions? The moment I got up he was out of his little bed heading for the door. Just enough time to put on a pot of filter coffee before taking him outside.  He couldn't believe his little feet. As light as he is, he is still heavier than those oodles of snow. Gosh, he hopped about looking for the perfect spot whilst sinking into snow up to his little chest.

Contraire to my belief he actually seemed to enjoy this new seasonal development. Bob, when he noticed him disappearing underneath the cold snow instantly checked online and showed me a set of snow booties fit for a prince, a canine one. Sometimes we forget that dogs are quite tough and can deal with the inclement weather. In any case, the minute he  comes inside a vigorous bit of towel drying has to be endured.

Bob and I took turns clearing the driveway. Shoveling snow like crazy as we were expecting the chimney sweep after lunch. I had an inkling that he would re-schedule due to the roads being snowed over and right I was. Oh well, at least we had a bit of exercise. Nothing more invigorating than shoveling snow while making sure not to slip on the newly unearthed yet treacherous driveway.

According to the weather report, the snow will stay another day or so and even though we moan, it is nice and makes winter feel like winter...and in any case, this too shall pass!

Our road curving down a slight incline which, I have to say isn't fun to navigate when its icy and slippery. But, it is the only way out..

The birdhouse has a nice layer of snow on its little roof. Only a few hours earlier I cleared the first lot off and still it keeps on collecting. Hearing the birds chirp makes me think that they enjoy this winter wonder land...


Wednesday, 8 December 2021

We All Need Some Positivity.

 Some more quotes.

" Positive energy knows no boundaries. If everyone where to spread positive energy on the Internet, the world would be a much better place. "
Lu Wei

" The worst times can be the best if you think with positive energy. "
Domenico  Dolce

" I am very protective of my energy. You have to protect your energy around outside sources because your positive energy can be cancelled out by someone's dark energy. "

" Sometimes a good love song can change the world and create positive energy more than any political song can. "
Serj Tankian

" Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose. "
Lyndon B. Johnson

" Delete the negative; accentuate the positive! "
Donna Karan

" You are the sum total of everything you've ever seen, heard, eaten, smelled, been told, forgot-it's all there. Everything influences each of us, and because of that I try to make sure that my experiences are positive. " 
Maya Angelou

" Find a place inside where there's joy, and the joy will burn out the pain. "
Joseph Campbell

" Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact. "
William James

" It takes but one positive thought when given a chance to survive and thrive to overpower an entire army of negative thoughts. "
Robert H. Schuller


Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Author's Thoughts.

 Quotes from notables.

" You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view. Until you climb inside his skin and walk around in it. "
Harper Lee

" There is nothing noble about being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self. "
Ernest Hemingway

" Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all. "
Dale Carnegie

" Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching. "
C.S. Lewis

" The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool. "
William Shakespeare

" The power of finding beauty in the humblest of things makes home happy and life lovely. "
Louisa May Alcott

" If one by one we counted people out, for the least sin, it wouldn't take us long to get so we had no one left to live with. For to be social is to be forgiving. "
Robert Frost


Monday, 6 December 2021

The Luxury Of Too Many Clients.

 Medicine, a goldmine in Burgenland.

A few months ago I tried to get an appointment at a dermatologist and couldn't believe it when the receptionist informed me that unless one had been a patient before, the waiting list was close to a year for an appointment. 

Today I tried to make an appointment for the ophthalmologist and again, they almost laughed at me when I mentioned that Bob hadn't been a client before. No, they don't take on any new clients due to being so busy! Please to go to his old doc...never mind that there the waiting list for a slot is a few months at least that is if he isn't on a conference or holiday. Yikes, what is happening in Burgenland?

Somehow I think it is a perfect storm of an aging population that hasn't always been health conscious, a shortage of new doctors qualifying and of course the main reason that most young doctors don't want to start their practice in rural climes. Remember, Burgenland only has about 296 000 inhabitants and our capital has roughly 14 000. The various towns and villages slot in somewhere in between.

Sad really when one considers the fact that a life in a rural area is much better. Better for raising a family, better for having time off and obviously better for having enough clients to start off with. Medicine is a business like any other and if it were me, I would prefer to work where there aren't many other doctors about.

The next few decades won't become any easier. People are getting sicker younger and thus are more in need of a doctor and oodles of medicine. It almost feels as though they have a preconceived idea of how middle age should look and feel ( not well ) and slot right into it. On the other end of the spectrum, a few of us ( and thankfully the number is growing ) know that a healthy lifestyle can make visits to the doctor only necessary for emergencies such as a broken bone or so.  Oh, and that 50 is the new 30, 60 the new 40 and so on...

As for our pandemic...if all those decades ago America had exported smoothies, kale and broccoli all over the world instead of fast food chains, I opine that the casualties of this pandemic would be much lower not to mention the overcrowding of the intensive care departments that might not be.


Sunday, 5 December 2021

The Men Are Bonding.

 Bob and Maxi going for walks.

Bob's on leave. A nice six weeks off from work and a fabulous time for him to recharge. In a way it is a good thing that we are still in a lockdown. Staying home is mandated and what better way to unwind than to be at home.

Being at home during one's leave has a few hardships...wearing sweats all day long, reading books, staying up late or not and of course a long daily walk. My invention and contribution to Bob's leave. One long walk in the morning and at least the body is geared for the day and keeps the diabetes at bay. Honestly, I thought when I did suggest it to Bob that he would veto it but, far from it. From the first day of his leave he has joined me on the long morning perambulations. 

A village is a curious entity. When we set off for our walk the light is still a bit diffuse and the curtains and shutters seems to be closed. Yet, the other day we ran into a villager in the afternoon and she knew exactly that Bob had been walking with me every day....I spy with my little eye...

Maxi adores Bob and Bob can't walk past Maxi without giving him a cuddle. The other day I suggested to Bob that Maxi would love to be taken out for his late evening pippi break by him and, he didn't demur but gladly took Maxi outside. Remember, taking him outside takes some preparations. Harness, poo-bag ( just in case ), torch and winter coat. All the stuff one doesn't feel like doing when one is comfortably established in front of the telly. At first he asked me to put all the goodies on Maxi, but now he is a whiz at it and likes nothing better than to take the boy outside. Truth be told I think that the boy invents extra pippi emergencies in order to be taken outside by Bob! Clever little minx.

Dogs have that special magic about them, regardless of size, age and type. Life takes on a different meaning and how could it not when a little soul is reliant on one? Especially an older blind dog can teach us so much. Patience, gratitude, routine and the importance of daily walks!


Saturday, 4 December 2021

An Early Morning Start.

Icy beauty abounds...

 Bob and I headed out early this morning despite the cold temperatures, or rather because of it. Breathing in cold air brings a sort of sharpness to the senses. 

At one stage Bob had to make a stop ( ! ) and I got rewarded with a stunning vista. 

Again, a different angle makes the colours drain from the sky.

The beacon of electricity...important at the moment as the weather does make it more comfortable with a nice warm heater close by.

The iconic Deutsch Schützen chapel standing proud with its marvelous history behind it. If only it could talk and tell us about the many lives it saved, the many stories it listened  to and the many sermons it presided over...


Friday, 3 December 2021

A Bit About The 16th Century.

 Quotes, always interesting.

" Dirty water will quench fire. "
English, mid 16th century

" As good be an addled egg is an idled bird. "
English, late 16th century

" A slice off a cut loaf isn't missed. "
English, late 16th century

" There's none so deaf as those who will not hear. "
English, mid 16th century

" Make hay while the sun shines. "
English, mid 16th century

" He that cannot obey cannot command. "
English, early 16th century

" What can't be cured must be endured. "
English, late 16th century

" A fair exchange is no robbery. "
English, mid 16th century

" All cats are grey in the dark. "
English, mid 16th century


Thursday, 2 December 2021

It's Raining...

Perfect lockdown weather?

Cumbersome is what it is. Getting ready to take the boy outside for his bathroom brakes takes some time. Apart from me getting layered up, the boy needs to get his raincoat plus harness/leash put on and of course the big umbrella needs to be taken along. The whole affair is a one handed dilemma. Holding on to an unwilling dog, covering him with the safety of an umbrella and keeping an eye out for approaching cars and a cat.

The latter is not to be laughed at on a rainy day. Bob calls him Parsley but honestly, Cato would be a better name and also description of him. Out of the blue he shoots underfoot. Obviously he is only trying to be nice and loving but with his weight and determination, I almost tripped up a few times earlier on.

The thing is that he comes unannounced. Suddenly he bounces into my shins or rather underneath a foot trying to find hold. Yikes, I did get a fright when I almost tumbled head first into my open umbrella. Any attempts at calming his attentions falls on deaf ears. He stays glued to my side until I am inside the house. Cute at times but not today.

As for our darling cat inside, she too stays glued to my side all night long. Either settling in atop my stomach or curling into my side. If only she would learn to snuggle with Maxi. Both would gain such a lot from each other.

Rain is nice though. Yes, I grumble about it because of Maxi's reticence of venturing outside, but let's be honest...we need rain to fill up our groundwater reserves. The drought has done damage here too and seeing a few days of solid rain is priceless.

Week one of our lockdown is drawing to a close and the numbers do seem to retreat. Ironically though, we are cheering a number of 8500 new cases overnight as a sign of success in regards of this lockdown, while in South Africa the whole country is alarmed at having a similar number of overnight corona cases. Bear in mind that Austria has only about 9,1 million citizens whereas South Africa has 60,14 million citizens. Relativity indeed. Regardless though, I hope the numbers reduce drastically in both countries and all over the world.



Wednesday, 1 December 2021

A Wash, But So Much More.

 Leading by example.

The other day we bought a wash-ball. Yes, a round plastic ball that gets thrown into each load of washing, instead of washing powder. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant for the environment and wallet.

After seeing it alluded to in one of the BBC's environmental programs, I had to try it. Imagine not having to use washing powder. Imagine not polluting the water with soap suds and chemical by-products. Two to three loads a week could add up to a lot less chemical soap suds flowing into the underground water system, not to mention the massive saving due to not having to buy washing powder. A win-win, that is if the clothes get cleaned.

So, last week I tried out this wash-ball along with a few drops of essential oil (  lemon flavour ) dropped into it for fragrance. The first load went well and as I was hanging the items on the clothes dryer I kept on sniffing them in order to establish that they smelt clean. My sense of smell is almost back to normal and the clothes smelt clean and washed with just a hint of lemon. Nice.

As soon as Bob got home I showed him this new miracle but he didn't seem that interested. Why should he? Anyway, the next day he gave me his black work sweater ( full of dirt ranging from fermented grapes to possible greasy crisp leftovers! ) and told me to see how the wash-ball could deal with it. 

We both couldn't believe how easily these stains had gone without any washing powder and honestly, now I can't wait to do laundry. The only thing that Bob thought we could adjust was the flavour of the essence. Vanilla might be a better choice. Oh well, I'll try to get that.

Yesterday when Bob got home from work he casually mentioned ( typically Bob tends to slip extremely interesting tidbits casually into conversation unlike me, who would be bursting to tell it straightaway ) that he had shown one of his work mates this wash-ball on its website because his wife is also very into preserving the environment and trying to live a greener lifestyle.

When I asked Bob how he came to show his work mate this particular item, he told me how he had told his mate about our new laundry adventure and how clean the sweater had emerged after a bout with this wash-ball! I must say, it amuses me no end to know that men too can talk about this, that and vital domestic chores the same way we women do. If nothing else, Bob converted one more household to stop using washing powder and leave a little bit of a better environmental footprint behind.

The wash-ball. Made in Germany thus it hasn't got a big carbon footprint...
