Thursday, 2 December 2021

It's Raining...

Perfect lockdown weather?

Cumbersome is what it is. Getting ready to take the boy outside for his bathroom brakes takes some time. Apart from me getting layered up, the boy needs to get his raincoat plus harness/leash put on and of course the big umbrella needs to be taken along. The whole affair is a one handed dilemma. Holding on to an unwilling dog, covering him with the safety of an umbrella and keeping an eye out for approaching cars and a cat.

The latter is not to be laughed at on a rainy day. Bob calls him Parsley but honestly, Cato would be a better name and also description of him. Out of the blue he shoots underfoot. Obviously he is only trying to be nice and loving but with his weight and determination, I almost tripped up a few times earlier on.

The thing is that he comes unannounced. Suddenly he bounces into my shins or rather underneath a foot trying to find hold. Yikes, I did get a fright when I almost tumbled head first into my open umbrella. Any attempts at calming his attentions falls on deaf ears. He stays glued to my side until I am inside the house. Cute at times but not today.

As for our darling cat inside, she too stays glued to my side all night long. Either settling in atop my stomach or curling into my side. If only she would learn to snuggle with Maxi. Both would gain such a lot from each other.

Rain is nice though. Yes, I grumble about it because of Maxi's reticence of venturing outside, but let's be honest...we need rain to fill up our groundwater reserves. The drought has done damage here too and seeing a few days of solid rain is priceless.

Week one of our lockdown is drawing to a close and the numbers do seem to retreat. Ironically though, we are cheering a number of 8500 new cases overnight as a sign of success in regards of this lockdown, while in South Africa the whole country is alarmed at having a similar number of overnight corona cases. Bear in mind that Austria has only about 9,1 million citizens whereas South Africa has 60,14 million citizens. Relativity indeed. Regardless though, I hope the numbers reduce drastically in both countries and all over the world.



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