A momentous week.
Tomorrow will be a week since the funeral of Prince Philip and a few days since Queen Elizabeth had her 95th birthday. Two historic events, but sad nonetheless. There will be many occasions that we'll hark back to what we did when we watched his funeral in the same way we think back to Princess Diana's death and funeral. As I said, the final chapter of an era is closing.
This week also saw the resignation of our health minister and who could blame him. Everyone wanted to give his two cents worth, everyone commented on how to do his job better yet nobody would have stepped into his shoes. Not to mention that he received death threats and was under permanent police protection. I think he did a great job and deserves some time out.
A new health minister was sworn in this week and this one is a practicing medical doctor. He knows his stuff and it can only be of value to Austria. That he happens to be young ( well younger than me ) and hip is what a few folks objected to.
He was sworn in wearing a suit minus a tie plus nice pair of trainers. Hip, trendy and full of self confidence...gosh, you should have heard the complaints about his audacity to wear trainers!!! Oh, some even went so far as to send him a proper pair of shoes! Oh well, if that's all than all is well.
Personally, I am hoping that he will utter some words of wisdom on the general state of diet in Austria and ask people to get more healthy. A healthier body shouldn't react so badly if attacked by the corona virus and isn't that what it's all about ? Let's see what these next few weeks will bring and if the new health minister is a rebel in more than just his sense of style...
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