Saturday, 27 June 2020

A Morning In Paradise.

A delightful and mysterious looking start to the day.

Seeing the moisture float upwards in layers of fog was breathtaking. What a beautiful morning in Eisenberg.
The wild chamomile is still in stealth and night mode with petals facing towards the ground.
Deutsch Schützen shrouded in mystique almost making it look like a seaside town.
The old chapel standing proud while keeping an eye on its surrounding parishioners. Striking colours appear almost naturally with the various fields and trees harmonizing together perfectly.
If you look carefully you can spot the top of the Eisenberg range in the background...a hot day in store for us when only the tips are visible.
A stretch of the road I walked on and a snapshot of the glorious view that accompanies all of my walks in this bit of paradise. That cluster of trees in the middle used to be an old dumping ground many many years ago and I often wonder what treasures are buried underneath it. Yesterday's junk-tomorrow's antiques. Another mission on the cards perhaps?


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