Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Our Summer Schedule Has Kicked In.

Early birds indeed.

You know, I actually love this time of the year despite the extreme heat. Thought I left that back in South Africa but no, it has followed me here. Mid 30's in the Northern Hemisphere isn't really the norm, but it is better than the colder north up the road.

The heat in fact is why Bob and I have this summer schedule. To at least try and escape some of the hot afternoon sun Bob starts work at six now, which means that he leaves the house by about half past five and comes home at half past two. Yes, we are now officially the early birds. Nice.

Getting up so early, we set the alarm for half past three, gives us time to acclimatize for the day ahead, enjoy a nice cup of brewed coffee, catch up on the news and spend time talking about the day ahead, the past or the future. Both of us aren't those; jump up, get dressed and rush off to work people. Give us time to greet the day with reverence and sedate leisure.

Most of the year we have supper at seven'ish but since yesterday, six'ish is the new time we eat supper. Which in turn means that I start cooking earlier, not to mention feeding our three hungry cats an hour earlier. Yes, the whole family has fallen into step.

Getting up early is divine. The day seems that much longer and today, the first of the early ones, I couldn't believe it when I was showered and ready for the day by a quarter past eight and had already a long walk, half an hour gardening and a load of washing ( already dangling on the line ) behind me.

Another advantage is the sheer bliss of almost being alone on the road. Instead of noisy cars I hear chatty birds, giggling squirrels, braying buck and the odd dog barking a leisurely greeting. A privilege to get up alongside nature. So, summer we are ready for you and enjoying every bit of it.


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