Wednesday, 18 November 2020

A Happy Discovery At Penny's.

 Veganism moving mainstream.

There is one type of fast food or rather food that can be eaten fast, here and now, that I love getting whilst out shopping. Most supermarkets have them and so I am never at a loss in this  regard.

Freshly baked bread rolls or bretzen are just amazing to devour in the car on the way home. Shopping for food is hard work and creates appetites galore. Usually the prospect of the half hour drive home is too long to endure without any vittles and thus Bob and I tend to gravitate towards a fresh bread roll or two. 

This morning as I got into our car I couldn't help but notice a whole slew of breadcrumbs littering the seat. Ah, Saturday's shopping adventure! Fresh, crumbly and moreish.

Austria has a very strict code when it comes to fresh ingredients. All supermarkets and bakeries have a list of ingredients printed over the item in question. Each bread roll, bretzen or loaf of bread from the bakery departments have a list of what's in it. Often not that much and thankfully some are without the dreaded E-numbers. What all those lists have in common though, is that they are printed in tiny writing and seeing that I do use reading glasses ( at home only! ) it is a constant battle to read this fine print looking for anything resembling dairy or animal protein.

You would be surprised how much of the above are added to rolls and co. Well, this morning saw me at Penny's reading the label over a wholewheat roll dispenser.  Oh my goodness was I happy to see that Penny's have taken the bull by the horn and come straight out with it....They have put in bold print the label Vegan on  fresh rolls, loaves of bread or bretzen that are vegan. What a wonderful idea, what a great help and what a fabulous way to embrace veganism. 

More and more people are embracing veganism and these different supermarkets provide the proof thereof by the number of vegan items they carry and the helpful labels they provide.


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