Saturday, 7 November 2020

The Sun's Out And No One's About.

 Another lovely autumn weekend.

The weather has been smashing these last few days almost baiting us to go outside. As if we'd dare! Mornings are now newly laden with charming frost although, it isn't that charming when the window is open and a breath of rather  fresh air streams in.

Days are morphing into each other and it amazes both of us how quickly a day spent indoors can go. Somehow measuring the day in increments helps and for me those are mealtimes. Far too many of those. 

Only this morning I discovered that my sense of smell and taste had taken leave. How dare they! Don't they know how hard it is to cook food without tasting any of it? Trying to fob off the cooking to my darling husband was met with a wise;

                   " Oh you don't need me for that. Just do what you normally do and it will taste great. "

So much for that and for good measure I added a liberal pinch of salt, in fact too liberal as even I tasted it. But Bob never mumbled a word. Let's see if he volunteers for supper's creation...

It really is an odd sensation not being able to smell or taste. The mind is rather powerful as I have noticed that eating an apple brought back the old familiar feeling and joy of it and I swear I tasted the sweetness of it. Imagination, so powerful.

In the scheme of things it is a minor hindrance and nothing to be worried about. Next few days should see me come to my senses again!


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