Sunday, 12 January 2020

Our Sunday Afternoon Outing.

A slow afternoon indeed.

Some go to town, some go up mountains, some go for a long walk and some go to wash their chariot. Well, that was us this afternoon. As bland as it sounds, it was a nice and easy hour out of the house...with my spouse!

Those who know us will also be aware that the cleaning of our car ( well, in this case it was Bob's work van ) only occurs when we either can't see out anymore or when we have to drive people about. Good intentions are often heard once we've cleaned the car but they don't last too long.

Today was a lovely and sunny day and Bob suggested that we take a drive to Kohfidisch in order to clean the van. Nice to be going for a drive without any distractions. Nice to watch Bob navigate a hoover round the car and nice to see him waltz with the high pressure cord several times around the car.

The cleaning of one's car is nothing special in these parts of the world. One just drives to a car wash and gets going. One can pay to have it done but why, when it really only takes ten minutes to do it yourself. I have to admit that it does give one a sense of accomplishment and quite frankly, it is quite hypnotic to scour the dirt off the flanks of our chariot.
Or watch someone doing it.

That really is Bob wrestling the long hoover cord around the van's interior.
Kind of reminds me of Wax on, wax off from Karate Kid which Bob does perfectly. Lucky for me, there is only one high pressure hose so that I could be a comfortable yet lazy spectator. Oh, I did put in the coins and changed the settings. Tough job! All jokes aside, it was a really fun outing and I can't wait until next year's one...


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