Monday, 2 March 2020

A Different Feel To Monday.

Are changes afoot?

One can't escape it. The constant reminder, and so it should be, of the corona virus is in a way shaking us out of our collective slumber. Life as distorted and fragmented as we have created it can't carry on. Globalization and wanting to have everything and be everywhere might need to be rethought.

We are getting an inkling of how much we rely on China's ability to produce most of what we consume. Clothes, food, cars, parts and even vital elements of medications are produced in China for no other reason but that it is cheaper. Cheaper to produce doesn't necessarily mean that it is cheaper for us to purchase but more a case of shareholders ( that elusive 1 % ) making more profit.

The world is connected and it must stay connected to a certain degree but I think a lot of people are beginning to realize why there aren't many jobs to be had. A middle ground needs to be created and with the looming shortage of many things, it could be a chance to manufacture more goods at home and thus create more well paying local jobs. Yes, the price will go up a bit but shouldn't companies start to redistribute some of those obscene profits and create some living-wage jobs at home?

The virus is forcing us to look at our lifestyles and life choices and perhaps helping us reset our happiness buttons. Making do with less, enjoying our homes and learning to be happy in it. It can't happen overnight and it shouldn't because our economies are geared solely on consumption but over time we might circle back to those values of yore that help us remember that our inner values are much more important than our incessant drive to have the perfect outer disguise we have learnt to don the minute we face the public.

Just my opinion, of course...


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