Thursday, 12 March 2020

A New Normal.

History is being made.

The kids of course can't wait to stay home from school. One pupil I talked with yesterday was busy What's apping his friends to make sure they didn't miss the announcement that schools were to close. Oh, the innocence of youth. Schoolwork will only be postponed, not cancelled. Can't blame him for hoping though.

Austria's government is being fabulous and ahead of the curve which I might say the leader of the New World could try and study. Fancy blaming European travelers for bringing the bug to America...might have been the other way around! But, be that as it may, an unprecedented time has started. For how long, we don't know but I suspect that a few months might do the trick.

People are being asked to stay home, avoid social contacts and above all, not to use grandparents as babysitters. Let's hope they adhere to that one, but I suspect that a lot of parents will still use Oma & Opa to look after the kids, because it's only a cold after all. Here's hoping that the grandparents will be strong enough to say NO. Everyone is wondering why Italy has had such a severe case of corona infections and deaths which might stem from those few weeks that grandparents were called in to look after their grandchildren while they stayed off school. One never knows.

Being asked to stay at home or at least keep a low profile for the next few weeks might not be so bad. We can't change the situation so we might as well make the best of it. Use the time to unwind from the stresses of our hectic lives and reflect on what is important. They say that a habit can be acquired ( or changed ) in 21 days...maybe this will curb the need to over-consume, the need to travel because everyone else you know on Facebook has posted selfies posing in crowded landmarks, and might re-introduce many a family to each other again realizing that they are actually what life is all about...


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