Monday, 23 March 2020

Walking Amid Icy Sunshine.

A confused start to spring.

With all the news about the virus we have almost forgotten that it is indeed the start of spring. Glorious spring showing itself with an abundance of colours, blossoms and sunshine. Albeit the last few days that springlike feeling was coupled with an icy reminder of winter. One wouldn't guess how icy cold wind could be unless walking through it.

Walking keeps me sane most days but in these times it is almost vital. Walking in the eerie quiet of our new reality takes some getting used to. Nary a human soul about but plenty of birds, mice, deer and bugs taking advantage of the lack of human interference.

Looking outside our kitchen window I can follow a few grey clouds being chased across a blue sky by this strong wind. The electric wires going between the rooftops are buffeted from side to side giving credence to the accompanied howling of the wind. Turbulence indeed which reminds me of yesterday morning and earth's way of getting our attention.

Bob and I were sipping our first cup of coffee in the lounge when all of a sudden the chairs started to move and shake enough to give me a sinking feeling in my stomach. Yes, we had felt the ripple effect of the earthquake that had its epicenter in Zagreb and with a magnitude of 5,4! What next, I wonder?

All those hints that mother nature is sending us in various forms are being taken note of, I think and hope. After the first week of quarantine ( well for us in Austria at least ) we are slowly getting used to the gentleness of life, the happiness of moments in that elusive and exclusive present and the new found realization that stuff is just that and not what is important in a time of crisis.


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