Saturday 4 September 2021

The Cat Lady.

 Wherever I turn...

Somehow the numbers keep growing. It used to be just the one and now it is just the four. Yes, we are  parents to four feline sweeties. How they managed to find us, nobody knows. Well, as you know the one and only princess, Princess Mausi, we brought home from the pound but the rest showed up and rang the bell.

The two feral tomcats have adopted us full time it seems. Despite the odd cat fights or should I say hissy-fits because that is what it sounds like, they seem to get along fine. A moment ago I went to fetch the washing from the line and there they were, side by side under Bob's van, waiting for supper. Cute as can be.

The new addition, our grey one, follows my every move and loves nothing better than to sit and watch me take the washing of the line. Somehow the minute I get there she pops out from her sleeping quarters. Honestly, it does melt the old heart and makes me wonder what to do about winter.

The two tomcats are used to roughing it, but she seems more delicate and refined. Bob and I will have to make some fort for her, a warm little haven complete with warm bedding and a roof. Perhaps a door with a lock too because these two tomcats have cottoned on to the fact that she gets preferential treatment and like to hover about where she is.

Although Bob did tell me that the other day when the two boys were starting their hissy-fit, the grey cat sprinted up to where they were having their duel and started to hiss at them. Perhaps she is their mother after all and has just become more friendly in her old age. Kind of like Tigger used to do.

Ah well, that is the beauty of living in the can keep cats, dogs and a flock of birds.


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