Tuesday, 31 December 2019

A New Year, A New Beginning.

Oh what a wonderful time of the year.

We all grumble about time passing but then again, passing of time gives us chances of new beginnings. Be they in location, vocation or thought. They choice is ours and the prime time for it has been designated as New Year's Eve.

Some make lists and some make promises of what they want to achieve in the next few days, weeks or months. Perhaps in the same manner as a computer has a refresher button, so we have a reset on New Year's. A chance to reflect and change our vantage point of thought. So often we look at our lives with our subjective filter and miss the treasure that we are, have and are allowed to be.

Excelling at things isn't the aim of life-for those that do, fair enough-but isn't the point of life a feeling of happiness and contentment with what we have? Those feelings are the most elusive of all as we are constantly bombarded with ideas, images and suggestions of doing, looking and living better.

This New Year's Eve we should practice being happy with what we have, who we are and who we have in our life. Once we focus and treasure those things we already have we will feel more content and happy. Which is the point after all, isn't it? So let's refresh our life and look at what we have from a new perspective.

A Happy New Year to all.


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