Wednesday, 18 December 2019

A Sheep In Need.

A good deed done.

A little voice told me to take this route today and about half way through, I knew why. It was still early on with not many souls astir apart from a flock of sheep grazing routinely on a temporary field. About thirty of them and as per usual I had conversations with them as I walked past. Granted a bit one sided but it is the thought that counts.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a lone sheep moving back and forth along the edge of a thorn bush. Oh dear, it was stuck and being pinned more and more by a hideous tentacles of a thorny bush. I stopped to calm it down with my voice as there was a electrified fence all around the field. It was starting to get more and more entangled while panicking more and more. One of its friends sauntered up to it and licked its face in an effort to calm it down. The rest of the herd stood at a safe distance, watching.

As luck would have it, a lady in the house next to the field was dashing about her yard. I called to her and she came over and I could explain the situation. She straightaway switched off the electricity and both of us hooved it over the fence to go and rescue our sheep. The thorns were huge and everywhere. She went back to get gloves and shears while I stayed with my sheep.

Talking to it made it calm down slightly and when I could see a gap, I stroked her little nose. It was appreciated. The rest of the flock had formed a semi circle close to us and were watching with bated breath. When the lady returned she expertly cut loose the strangling thorn reeds and within a minute the sheep had bucked its way to freedom and had run to its friends.

They instantly formed a protective circle around it while we went back over the fence and re-electrified it. All in all it took about ten minutes to save this sheep's life ( ironically I kept on thinking of its fate further down the line ) and I have to say, both of us were chuffed to bits to have done this rescue. Our smiles couldn't have been wider or happier. Animals are amazing, clever and also capable of feeling fear, desperation or joy.

I carried on walking but when I looked back over my shoulder, the whole troupe of sheep had lined up along the edge of the field to watch me walk along.
I accredited this to mean that they all wanted to say ' Thank you ' and have felt amazing the whole day. Helping animals is just this B's knees...


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