Friday, 20 December 2019

The Charm Of Life In Eisenberg.

Having the freedom to live.

Eisenberg has many layers. As small as it is, there are the various social strata. Those born and raised here, those who escaped to Vienna for at least a decade and returned, those that commute daily to Vienna and those that have learned from having lived in different countries or continents how marvelous life actually is when living in Eisenberg.

Yes, of course we fall in the latter category. Compared to life in South Africa, America or England here in Burgenland it is paradise. So there I was driving across one Eisenberg to the next one ( Eisenberg Weinberg ) to check if I had left a towel on a hot rail earlier whilst cleaning, when I ran into another newly settled Happy Person.

He had taken a detour of almost twenty years in Canada and has settled recently in our neck of the woods. Whenever we meet up we chat about this, that and the beauty of life here. The quietness of life. The ordinariness of life. The plainness of life. All of these three attributes contribute to being able to go on with just being. No need to create a mask for others. No need to run after social acceptance but rather living in an authentic way.

Being able to just be oneself frees up so much time and energy, which in turn creates the backdrop to a happy life. Thank goodness it isn't for everyone as there might be an onslaught of new Eisenbergers and isn't it our differences that make us interesting...


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