Sunday, 10 May 2020

A Bit Like Musical Chairs.

Where has all the money gone?

A lay person's musings, mine. Opinion and observations one can't help but form. The other day I was wondering where all the world's money had gone to. By all accounts far and wide, the economy in many parts of the world was thriving and being profitable. For who, begs the question.

Two months of the world being at a standstill shouldn't have wiped out all the money that was created over centuries, or should it? Take America, touted from the highest rooftops as having had the best economy ever...surely the money must still be in the system albeit somewhere not in use. It can't have evaporated or is the lack of help offered to so many a sign that money is actually a pretend object, only given value by believing in it? Or has the money gone back to its preferred home, the comfortable bank vault?

Most of the world economies seem to have run a game of musical chairs with sadly, the lowest on the economical ladder having found themselves sans chair. Not good at all.

A couple of years ago the concept of basic income for all was touted as a vehicle for making people lazy and not wanting to work. Imagine how easy a world wide shutdown could have been if everyone had been on enough basic income to cover the bills and thus still with a job on the other side of it? If for two months or so the whole world would agree to halt any payments to and fro people ( apart from this basic income of course and food banks when needed ) Wouldn't it have been much cheaper than all those stimuli and more importantly, the money would have been spent on consumables.

We have had a big shock worldwide with this closure of our way of life, coupled with the loss of earnings and specter of worse times ahead, but somehow governments the world over must work out a system to handle future shutdowns...because this virus is small compared to the awaiting climate crisis shutdowns...


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