Wednesday, 20 May 2020

My Marvelous Kitchen Blender.

Discovering new joys of cooking and baking.

I was meant to motor to Güssing today to stock up on our larders ( mum's too ) but as Bob has a yearning for mango chutney and this only being available at an Indian Grocer's in Oberwart, he decided to join me on a sojourn into town on Friday. His day off. Also he can smuggle many contrabands into the trolley which I have to be cajoled to via sms when on my own. His latest are Hummus chips from Hofer and the odd chocolate. Yippi, I am happy when the two of us can shop together, albeit covered in face masks and scarves.

Our larder is shining in its bareness again thus making meals is more of a challenge, a happy one though. I love nothing more than to throw a meal together with odds and ends and having it turn out fab. Empty larders are really mostly in our minds I think because I am again surprised at how many suppers I am able to make from a seemingly empty larder.

This afternoon I have had the yearnings for a homemade biscuit and have decided on an oatmeal variety. Oats, are so cheap. A packet of 500g costs less than 50 cents and are healthy to boot. So, I took the rolled oats and used my blender to whisk them into smaller particles, oatmeal. So easy, so effective and so versatile. Oatmeal looks almost like wholewheat flour and holds everything nicely together. Everything being coconut chips, flaxseeds, bit of leftover hazelnuts, dash of oil and cup of water...seasoned with a liberal dashes of sugar.

Either the oatmeal or the flaxseed made it extremely pliable and sticky which made it easy for me to parcel out in little dobs on the tray. As I am writing this the aroma of freshly baking biscuits is circulating around me and the house instantly creating a happy space and mood. How easy is it to make treats ourselves?

Being stuck at home is rather nice, isn't it? So many new ways to relive life, so many opportunities to recharge and so much insight at what's important in life...


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