Thursday, 14 May 2020

The Luxury Of Holidays.

Discovering where we live...

Holidays, what are they for? Taking time out from work life and taking the time to recharge one's batteries. Relaxing and resting, which in the last decade or so has been taken out of context for and by so many. Exacerbated by the plethora of cheap flights and all inclusive packages, holidays for most meant anywhere but at home. Even one's own country seemed to have been out of bounds and tres yesterday.

Holidays spent clocking up those all-important social media accolades must surely have been exhausting and anything but relaxing. Well, now the powers that be have changed the agenda and for a while at least holidays will be spent at home instead of abroad.

How marvelous to be able to explore one owns backyard, not having to spend two stressful days at airports but rather taking advantage of the whole time off. Either re-discovering the stunning beauty of one's own country or even enjoying the comfort of your own four walls. A breath of fresh air indeed.

Even being able to have a holiday and to be able to afford it is a sheer luxury in these uncertain times. Many don't have that luxury, many don't have jobs so that the concept of holidays is last on the list of needs.

We have all seen how in the space of a mere few weeks life has been turned upside down and thus we should be extremely grateful to have holidays at all. Let's enjoy this luxury at home or close to it and who knows, we might just all learn to appreciate in what beautiful parts of the world we all live in...


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