Monday, 18 May 2020

Monday Again.

A hint of summer in the air.

Even though we are steering towards summer it doesn't really feel like it. The lock-down of course and the uncertainty of how our summer will actually be like are hovering on many of our peripherals. How could it not, although on the other hand, there is a certain amount of joy in contemplating a summer harking back to our childhood.

A time when for most of us a summer holiday constituted staying at home with perhaps the odd visit to the public swimming bath or local lake. Ordinary times but looking back, most wonderfully extraordinary. There are those odd moments from back then that I happily reminisce about. A great time which most of us are now able to enjoy yet again. A summer without all that added pressure of having to go somewhere, having to spend oodles of money and being at the end of it in need of a holiday yet again.

When only a t-shirt suffices then summer is really here. Today I drove leisurely to my parents one village over with trailer in tow. Their lawns were due and that was on my morning's to do list. All good intentions...the mower decided to go on strike and would rather visit the local mower mechanic instead of starting up. Fair enough, I left the mower in my parent's garden and was about to drive off when out of the corner of my eye I noticed a ' stranger ' motoring on the sidewalk with the help of a stroller.

Gosh, a new oldie I hadn't met before? I hovered about until this lady caught up with me and actually greeted me by name. Suddenly it dawned on me that it was the neighbour three houses down from my folks who due to the lock-down hadn't been to have her roots touched up and sported a grey and light blonde do. Isn't it funny how we all are in the same boat when it comes to hair? Only this morning I was ' jokingly ' telling Bob that he would have to do my highlights soon and you know what, he might just have to as I don't want to expose my favourite hairstylist to any risk...


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