Saturday, 12 February 2022

Walking Up And Down The Street.

 The rascal is on a mission.

At half past one he came to look for me. Maxi, that is. When I am at the computer in the kitchen he trots in which is his way of saying that he is ready for his afternoon walk. Far be it from me to deny him and thus yours truly dropped everything in order to obey his command.

So, we walked our usual route followed by Parsley but Maxi wasn't happy and so we turned around and walked it in reverse. Yes, he fell for it but after a long walk, meeting several people, he still hadn't done his business. The main reason for the walk and the only way I can sleep soundly at night knowing that no surprise might be underfoot!

But, Maxi couldn't go and so we went back home. I sat at the kitchen table working on my computer while he ate his treats ( god forbid I don't give him those. Pandemonium would ensue! ) when I noticed him lingering near me. Normally he goes straight to his basket for a snooze but not today.

Again I got up to take him outside for another round. He was more than pleased to be harnessed and even hopped down the steps barking his arrival outside for all and sundry. Parsley came running to join us but after literally walking up and down our street, he still hadn't done his business. Even Parsley thought this was strange and tried to bump him along. Nothing for it but to head back inside.

So, now we have an interesting evening ahead with many perambulations outside. It seems our dog has constipation, poor thing.

Walking up and down ensued in some fun encounters. A mum being dictated to by her toddler. Gosh, as small as they are, toddlers seem to have the upper hand in negotiations pulling their trump card at the drop of a hat...tears and audible crying! Makes my odd negotiations with Maxi seem rather tame in comparison. At least I haven't resorted to tears and crying yet...


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