Tuesday, 6 November 2018

A Lucky End To The Day.

Are birds and cats both good luck symbols?

Bob went back to work yesterday after two weeks off and when he got home afterwards, we stood at the kitchen door chatting. Outside it was dark as night and cold to boot. Bob started to tell me about his day while at the same time taking off his work shoes. That's when I spotted it. A bit of extra lining on his sole, complete with inbuilt odor.

" Schatzi, did you stand in poop? "
Bob bravely lifted his shoe to check and that's when we were both assaulted with the unmistakable aroma of cat poo. Those of you with cats will understand and those without, I hope you never get the chance. It pongs and makes doggy doo smell like roses.

Bob started to curse, took off his shoe and hobbled to the vestibule for further inspection. Yikes, half the shoe was liberally smeared in goo. When Bob does something he does it well...

Our Tiggy is now a senior citizen complete with loss of hearing, sight and good manners. Lately she has viewed our front lawn as her personal toilet space and that's where Bob encountered his doodoo. She's an old duck and what can one do! I fetched Bob a bucket of warm water and a little stone-shoe-pick ( a perfect tool to remove goo from a shoe ) and took pity on his retching attempts at cleaning it up. Within minutes it was cleaned and we were both laughing and wondering if it meant the same as being pooed on by a bird...

Anyway, looking on the bright side, it afforded me the opportunity to give the floor a nice once over, whilst being watched carefully by Miss Mausi, who wasn't thrilled with the smell of competition.


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