Friday 16 November 2018

The Fine Art Of Being A Silent Passenger Whilst Your Spouse Is Driving.

A lost art perchance?

Yes, I know one should keep shtum while sitting next to one's hubby but unless I put a plaster over my mouth, I fall into the haven't learnt yet category. Driving together is a test in coupledom. Give and take has a whole new meaning.

To be fair I do have to point out that I have a touch of Mrs Bucket about me and when I think back to sitting behind my grandparents in the car, I realize that I my vocal co-driving has been passed down a few generations. I never stood a chance and I won't mention mum and her co-driving skills...!

Most of the time I point out the needle being a touch too much past a certain number which Bob then corrects me:

" Oh don't worry. I am perfectly within the speed limit and it's only because you are looking at the speedometer sideways that you think I am over the speed limit. "
Eh, hardly ever do I point out the car in front of us being too close. Thankfully he still responds in words and not teeth gnashing as I do know what it feels like to have a passenger in the front. He is much worse than me and when I do drive him crazy or rather into town, he suddenly turns into a quantity surveyor telling me what distance I am from the edge of the road and that it is too close!

Anyway, the other day we took a day drive to Graz and some of the time I did mumble about keeping to the speed limit within the village signs. A clear 50 kph is the order of the day but after a while I gave up nagging to enjoy the scenery.

Should have realized that in a tourist area such as Steiermark, it is extremely profitable to put up a radar. Yesterday one of those ominous official letters got left in our post box and as you can guess, it was a traffic fine. Going 9 kph over the 50 limit within a village translated into a thirty euro fine.

When Bob saw the fine he piped me to the post by saying;

" You were right and I should have listened to you. "
Ah, what a great husband...


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