Thursday, 12 September 2019

A Snapshot Of Local Nature.

Plants and more.

At first I was going to discard this photo but then I realized that it resembles life. Whatever we focus on becomes clear, vibrant and beautiful...
These mauve bunches have almost sprouted up overnight but bizarrely mostly in the ditches next to the rural paths.
Okay, this house is actually in Rechnitz but how strange and great at the same time? I couldn't believe my eyes when I turned the corner and stumbled upon this cowboy and his stunning stallion...
The maize is enjoying the last few leisurely days of their life. Soon the harvesters will move in and convert them to animal feed.
Nature is awesome. Imagine how powerful nature is seeing that one little seed has grown into a tall plant, complete with cob and its protective leafy guard. Absolutely fantastic and rather magical...


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