Sunday, 1 September 2019

And Just Like That Summer Is Done.

Longed for cool weather is on the way.

Rather funny this morning when I ran into one of Eisenberg's residents taking her donkey for a walk and all we talked about was the fact that today was the last hot day of the year. Even the donkey seemed to agree or at least give a nod at the appropriate place in our little conversation.

In anticipation for a cold and rainy week ahead I have turbo washed these last few days as the prospect of having to hang laundry all over our bathroom again doesn't strike me with enthusiasm. Far from it but I will manage when winter has turfed out the warm weather.

How incredibly hot it was these last few months although when I mention the weather or rather the hot version of it to some older locals, they can't help themselves but bring out myopic memories of it having been hotter when they were young and that climate change is not that real. What can one do but to nod and smile.

September seems to have sneaked up on us with dizzying speed. Where did August go to? But now at least we get to recover from this odious hot summer while at the same time looking forward to donning winter gear again. Jackets, boots and beanies along with a healthy dose of irritation along the lines of;

" I can't take any more snow and ice. Can't wait to have summer here again. "
Yes, like every year we and most people the world over will complain about that which we have longed for so eagerly...So, if there are a few more hot days in the mix, I don't mind as I am sure I will grumble a lot over an overlong wintry spell...


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