Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Funny Moments Are Really The Spice Of Life.

A soldier smiles.

Most nights when I can't sleep I defer counting sheep for a healthy dose of Medical Detectives. A real contradiction for sure what with it being a reality program about past crimes. Murderous and horrendous ones, but despite that I do prefer it to mindless shopping channels. Often I drift in and out of sleep and take in the odd gory detail but also hints about how to stay safe. I know, I know...

This morning felt right for walking along the Hungarian border and I was blissfully alone apart from birds, mice and the odd deer. Towards the end of my walk, just as I came up to the little chapel of Eisenberg I could see a car approaching me. First thought went to last nights program but then reality returned. Nothing so nefarious here and besides, the car was an army one complete with dark muddy colour and two soldiers in the cab. Safe indeed.

The closer they got to me, the more I hugged the side of the lane in order to give them ample space to pass me by. Often the soldiers are fresh out of school and aren't very experienced drivers. So there I was making a wide berth to the left when suddenly the car did the same. What on earth? Where they trying to run me over? Would anyone find me?

It took a split second for me to comprehend this driving manoever. The driver wanted to reverse into the parking space next to the chapel and as I happen to have stopped he thought nothing about driving within a few inches of me before reversing into his space.

Only a split second was I worried and somehow it must have shown on my face. Not sure if I jumped too but the passenger picked up on my emotions because he gave me a big guilty grin and waved his hand backwards trying to show me that they had had no intention of gunning it for me. Naturally I tried to pretend that at no time I was imagining myself stuck to the car's fender and nonchalantly waved back, nodded sagely and carried on walking.

I must say that it made my day. For once a soldiers showed emotion as usually when I pass them they only manage to nod a stern greeting. This whole episode made me realize how often we misconstrue each other's actions and of course I had to laugh at my imagination...but suffice to say, I wasn't the only one thinking along those lines...


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