Saturday, 7 September 2019

Eisenberg Had A Traffic Jam.

A wedding is had.

Rather funny to be stuck in traffic in our little village ( there are only about four hundred of us ) culminating in a traffic warden swinging his arms as if he was in Piccadilly Circus. Only thing missing was a whistle and cap.

We were on the way to Oberwart to start off with a nice bit of lunch. Yes, at the Chinese of course and as we only left home at half eleven you can imagine that the first twinges of hunger were felt. More so with Bob apparently.

It started already as we wanted to turn into Hauptstrasse. A whole caravan of sedans driving sedately through our village nose to nose, with drivers mostly in suit and tie. I couldn't see the women as they were on the other side to us. But surely, that was wedding attire? I cautioned Bob to not split up the caravan although, he couldn't see my point. Suffice to say that the only counter argument I could come up with was that it just was bad form.

So, we formed the tail end of the long caravan of wedding guests and had to also drive sedately through one Eisenberg to get to the other one. The Eisenberg Weinberg and that is when it started. The caravan slowed down immensely which of course drove Bob mad. Yes, he was hungry and as most women know, men are not at their best when running on empty. Nerves do tend to get frayed, quickly!

As we finally drove around the last corner out of the village, the plot thickened with a bunch of our local firemen acting as traffic officers helping guest of the wedding find parking. Yes, one of the young local lasses is getting married today and clearly accompanied into wedded bliss by oodles of friends and family. Eventually we made our way to Oberwart.

About three hours later on our return home, we couldn't believe it when we turned into Dorfstrasse yet again. There was a sea of cars parked on every lawn, driveway and verge. Gosh, can't wait to see the photos...


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