About time too...
Firstly, I have to apologize for being offline for such a long time-almost two weeks-but for some reason my computer decided to strike for a while and it took us two weeks to get the parts we needed to get going again. Sorry if you were inconvenienced by this.
Strangely enough there were so many instances that I wanted to write about yet couldn't and now that I can I have forgotten them. The world is moving at such a fast pace at the moment that keeping up takes most of our energy. Not having my computer there meant that news kind of came to me the old-fashioned way, via the television although that lately is another kettle of fish. Who else has lost the will to follow the drama in the US? Looking from afar one is reminded of the frog in the water story. Put a frog into a pot of boiling water and he will instantly jump out but put him into a pot of cold water and slowly heat the water to boiling point...the frog won't notice and eventually be boiled to death.
A moment ago I was able to peruse my Facebook feed for the first time in two weeks and honestly, I shouldn't have. Nothing has changed, people still put all their personal moments online while not even realizing how reckless they are being. Has everyone forgotten about that little opponent called covid? If you really feel that you have to go on holiday at least don't post a thousand pictures of it. Especially in the current times where most countries are trying their utmost to prevent a second lock-down. What's wrong with holidaying in your own country this year?
Last but not least, I realized yet again that as nice as it often is to be online ( not being able to google stuff was a bit difficult ) I have the mental acuity to deal with life in an offline way. Yes, life goes on without the internet and social media and quite frankly, I would be surprised if anyone had noticed my absence from the hallowed halls of Facebook's news feed...