Saturday, 31 July 2021

A Bit Of Humour.

 Quotes that make me smile.

" Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. "
Abraham Lincoln

" A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove you don't need it. "
Bob Hope

" The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe
 is that it has never tried to contact us. "
Bill Waterson

" As a child my family's menu consisted of two choices: take it or leave it. "
Buddy Hackett

"  This is the worst thing to happen to beaches since the Speedo. "
Bill Maher

" I want my children to have all the things I couldn't afford. Then I want to move in with them. "
Phyllis Diller

" Never under any circumstances take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night. "
Dave Barry

" Facebook just sounds like a drag, in my day seeing pictures of peoples vacations was considered a punishment. "
Betty White

" He who laughs last didn't get the joke. "
Charles de Gaulle


Friday, 30 July 2021

An Early Morning Walk In The Vineyards.

Cloaked in a layer of fog.

 A dash of rain during the previous night has resulted in a thick layer of fog over the village. Nice to look upon but far from nice to live within...

I love how the heavy layers of fog resemble the waves of an ocean.

Could almost be beachfront property! The vines sparkle with the added layer of dew and it won't be long now before harvest is here.

This photo was taken on the other side of the hill and that is how quickly the fog can lift. 
I love how nature is starting to reclaim this wagon that is here all year round holding bits and pieces of wood.

This flock of birds have placed themselves delightfully accurate atop the branches of a tree thus resembling musical notes....


Thursday, 29 July 2021

...And That's Why We Need Trees...

 The difference a bunch of trees make.

We all love trees but aren't really that aware of how good they are for us and the environment. Trees, which sadly most of us have grown up by associating a fir tree for the be all and end all of festivities ( Christmas ) and of course the magic place where our presents awaited. We give some reference to these fir trees but sadly for the wrong reasons and even worse, each and every Christmas we chop down millions of them for  a two week display. Is it any wonder the world's weather is playing havoc?

Now that Maxi is on the scene, I have extra responsibilities with the main one being his walks for bathroom purposes. A few times a day we don our walking gear and head outside. Outside sounds so grandious but at the moment it is a place hot as hell, especially for an aged Maltese who isn't overly fond of haircuts. 

He is feeling the heat and with that in mind I have coordinated his afternoon walks with a shady stretch of the road. And this afternoon the point of trees came home to me again. Stepping outside at about half past two ( he had given me the look, a look which makes me drop everything and hasten him outside ) I couldn't believe how hot and humid it was. Not pleasant for me or Maxi, but when we stepped into the shade created by a bunch of trees, it was like stepping into a fridge. Blissfully cool. Literally with one step the temperature dropped to a comfortable level, one where we could take the time to sniff out the perfect spot.

Look trees are just one avenue of halting climate change, but I am beginning to realize just how important the planting of trees is. We are all guilty of using products made from trees and even heat our home with it ( sadly, guilty of that too ). With each year, the summers are getting hotter despite those naysayers who are adamant that it has always been this hot and that our collective behaviour has nothing to do with it. Anything not to change... 


Wednesday, 28 July 2021

My First Impression Was Correct!

A change of route on the cards.

A while ago I made the mistake of stopping to talk to a chap up in the Weinberg. I like to chat with people because let's face it, if one doesn't one never gets an idea of who they really are. Everyone can look nice and pretty, but not everyone can talk nice and pretty! So, since that one stop for a chat, the man once or twice  did join my walk ( unasked! ) and almost walked the whole way. Not in any way shape or form nefarious but still, not cool. 

So like a good citizen, I changed my route and tried like crazy to avoid running into him. The once or twice that I did, I made sure to come up with an excuse why I couldn't stop and from then on we took to a short greeting on those times our paths crossed.

So yesterday I ran into him. In full stride I was prepared to shout a friendly greeting in passing, but not so.
He stopped to ask me why I always walk alone, to which I quickly replied that I like walking alone! Shoo I knew where that might have headed and it didn't take long before he asked me whether that man he once saw walking with me was my husband and if so, was my husband retired! 

Yikes, the first thing that came to my mind was;

        " Jeez, do I look that old?  " to which he replied, 

        " No, but your husband has a full head of grey hair and by the by, is he Turkish? "

Unbelievable, what nonsense. Before turning away to carry on walking I told him that my husband worked all day in the vineyard. He knew he had offended us, but apart from a curt nod I carried on.

When Bob came home later I told him the story and before I knew what had happened, Bob had shaved and I was standing with the clippers ready to cut his hair. Bob wanted as much of the offending grey gone as possible not realizing that it suits him. He gets better looking with every year and is far from looking like a retiree.

As I said in the intro, only by chatting with people does one get to know their true colours and I am pleased with myself for having had the right instinct about that silly man...


Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Wild & Beautiful.

 A bit more of Eisenberg's stunning nature.

 The magic of lavender. A paradise for bees and a good omen for a good harvest to come.

Pink roses complementing the purple lavender. A feast for the senses and a feast for the eyes.

The more rustic side of rural life. Nature has a way of complementing various wildflowers and thus creating pockets of pulchritude.

These delicate floral bloomers always make me think of crochet table decorations, tea and cake! Very English, don't you think?

An enchanting rural path. Isn't that what we all think about when we hear countryside? A romantic path to meander and to ponder. Vintage rural, vintage village and vintage lifestyle...


Monday, 26 July 2021

Maxi Feels At Home.

A member of the family, a member of the neighbourhood!

Maxi has been with us for almost two months now and I think that mostly he has accepted us as his new parents and our house as his. Who can tell how traumatized little dogs are when their owner goes away? Only one way to help...give them a nice and loving home.

The first few weeks he lay in  his cot or next to it between walks, not taking note of life around him but that has changed. He keeps his ear open for odd sounds outside such as a family walking past, another dog barking or a loud conversation underneath our window. When any of those happen, he adds his two cents by letting out a series of little barks, some friendly but others more to the point. His point being:

                     I live here and this is my house now. Beware!

When he first arrived we had that unfortunate incident where his teeth met my thumb and somehow that has grown into an urban legend. Everyone treats him with respect and distance afraid that he might also show them the sharpness of his teeth! Honestly, such a small thing and all he wants is to be friendly.

At least he gets greeted by name and he loves it. One of his favourite is the little girl next door but we all are ultra cautious and won't let her get too close to him just in case...She would love nothing more than to cuddle him. Often she shouts from the balcony as we walk past;

        Hallo Maxi. Tschüß Maxi.

We have settled into a nice family routine and I almost have his bathroom schedule under control. If only he would talk more! And if only he didn't have those stubborn streaks...when he doesn't want to go any further or in a certain direction, he stops. All four paws glued to the ground and the only way I can move him is by picking him up. Makes me wonder if he stops in order to be picked up by me in the first place.  If only he weren't so heavy I would gladly carry him  about everywhere. So happy that he has settled in and likes being with us...


Sunday, 25 July 2021

A Few Healthy Quotes.

 Health, our most precious possession.

" Health is not valued till sickness comes. "
Thomas Fuller

" Cheerfulness is the best promoter of health and is as friendly to the mind as to the body. "
Joseph Addison

" I do not think about being beautiful. What I devote most of my time to is being healthy. "
Anne Bancroft

" Hearty laughter is a good way to jog internally without having to go outside. "
Norman Cousins 

" The wish for healing has always been half of health. "
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

" But the real secret to lifelong good health is actually the opposite: 
Let your body take care of you. "
Deepak Chopra

" 'Tis healthy to be sick sometimes. "
Henry David Thoreau

" You can look in the mirror and find a million things wrong with yourself.
 Or you can look in the mirror and think, '  I feel good, I have my health, and I'm so blessed. '  
That's the way I choose to look at it. "
Isla Fisher 

" Time and health are two precious assets that we don't recognize and appreciate
 until they have been depleted. "
Denis Waitley


Saturday, 24 July 2021

Saturday Musings!

 A trip to Guessing.

Our plant milk ran out. Both of us are extremely fussy as to which we like and after a lot of trial and error we have settled onto the brand from Hofer. Not expensive and not full of additives. It actually tastes nice be it in coffee or tea. Tea isn't easy to complement but this soy milk does.

The trouble it that at times it is out of stock. When it is in stock we take at least 10 unless there are only a few on the shelves.  Don't want to deprive another vegan! Somehow I figured that our stash would last until Monday but sadly, this morning the last container was opened and that is why I drove to get some more. Only at a Hofer branch, which kind of snookers us at times.

Not to worry, I managed to get a good amount this afternoon. And other goodies, now that we have a dog, four cats and an aviary of birds to feed. Each fussy as can be. Choosing the right food for each takes up a lot of my shopping time. I know, my own fault!!!

Driving this afternoon was a treat. Hot of course but scenic wherever I looked. The wheat has been harvested and many a field has an artistically strewn topping of straw bales on it. Absolutely divine. Gold on beige. Today was the first time I have seen folks stop at the side of the road and take photos. A picturesque day indeed.

Most of the villages I drove through ( took the back and more scenic route home ) saw a hive of activity in the various gardens facing the road. Lawns were being cut, flowers pruned and lawn chairs sat in. I can't opine on other countries but here in our part of Burgenland, there is a plethora of drive-able lawnmowers. The height of laziness especially when only a small front lawn needs to be cut.

One particular young man crossed my view. Young and portly sitting atop one of these mobile mowers. No wonder the rate of diabetes, heart disease and cancer is so high when these natural sporting opportunities are being outsourced to a machine. Progress isn't always good, is it?

All in all a nice and lazy Saturday and a great dinner ahead for all of our pets....


Friday, 23 July 2021

Thankfully The Hot Sweltering Summer Days Are Almost Over.

 Back to a normal summer!

Just before sunrise when Maxi and I head out for our morning walk I can feel the end of those hot summer days is near. Heading out without a jacket is already impossible, at least for me. A lovely leftover chill from cooler nights stays well beyond sun-up. A delight after those hot and cloying mornings.

July is almost over and with August the speed of an approaching winter is in full swing. We tend to live day by day, be they eventful or thankfully ordinary, making the seasons interchange at an alarming rate. It feels as if we put our heads down only for a moment to contemplate the minutiae of our life and when we look up a day, week, month or even year has evaporated. 

The powers that be tell us that from now on each summer will be the same if not hotter. If that alone doesn't start someone on the road to stop climate change than what else will? What to do on those ultra hot days where even going outside for a minute feels as though Dante's Inferno has arrived.

Who is to say that in the future we won't invert our work days. Make night into day and day into night. Night-shift the new day-shift...sounds rather cool and attractive.  There is really no other way to navigate a hellish hot future. Where is wine going to be grown? The wine meccas might shift over to a slightly cooler Russia. But enough of that...

Today was and is a perfect summer's day. The morning started off nice and cool with the warmth slowly increasing until a nice and comfortable 28 degrees was reached. Perfect weather to enjoy a summer outdoors. Be it walking in the countryside, swimming at the local pool or sitting under a shady tree sipping a nice cool beverage. A summer's day everyone remembers from their childhood and hopefully not a summer's day that is on the extinction list...


Thursday, 22 July 2021

Trying To Outsmart A Couple Of Pets Is Far From Easy.

So much for being the adult.

I had a plan. Don't most stories start like it? This morning I had planned to take our new cat lodger to the vet in order to be scanned for a micro chip. All was ready for the trip. The carry case ( one of those cat carriers with the lid on top ) had nice bedding in it and all that was missing was the cat.

She tends to follow me wherever I go and was investigating this carry case in the middle of the driveway with interest but when I picked her up ( still very docile and loving ) put her into the middle of the case wanting to close the lid, all hell broke loose and so too the cat. No one got injured but the cat high tailed it to safety somewhere in our barn....not been seen again for ages. Clearly, a trip to the vet was out of the question.

Maxi has been scratching himself a lot lately which clearly was a warning for me to get him some flea muti. Might as well go to the vet after all I thought, and stock up on dog and cat flea medicine. From experience I know that those drops bought in the supermarket hardly dent any flea population in a cat's fur. It needs to be from the vet. Which I got this morning for all two of them.

The vet arrogantly told me where to put the stuff, despite me mentioning that Mr Maxi wasn't too fond of being medically cared for. In fact, I don't think he gave a hoot, even going so far as to opine that woman owners are the cause of little dogs to be a bit overly fond of nipping at all and sundry. He might have a point, but that doesn't help me, does it?

When I got back home I tried the dog first mainly because the cat was still missing! A tiny tube to be squeezed onto his neck. Two or three seconds at most but therein lies the rub. He must have a sixth sense because as soon as my hand hovered over his neck, he started to twist his head baring his little teeth at the same time. Yikes, what now. Should I be firm and shout especially after the vet's opinion about the weak willed rules of female owners or should I just let it go? Still deciding on that one and for the moment the easiest option will be to wait for Bob to come home!!!

As for the cat outside, if she ever trusts me again, I will have to put the contents of the other vial onto her neck as well. If only they understood that it is going to make them better and stop the horrid itching caused by fleas. Gosh, life with pets is never dull and makes for good stories.


Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Some More Impressions Of Nature.

 A deer included.

Romantic, isn't it? That's what rural bliss should be. A  lonely house on the prairie! How much nicer to be surrounded by fields of wheat, maize and rows of vines...

Ran into a deer early morning and caught a cat as well. We were playing hide and seek through the various vines until she finally stopped for me to take a picture. Fun and games in the vineyard.

One forgets that Eisenberg is actually built on slate, well at least the vineyards of Eisenberg are planted on it. It might just be one part of the secret to our fabulous wines.

A normal meadow but sadly in our modern times it is starting to be the exception. Green areas are being concreted over to have huge homes built on them all the while empty houses are crumbling in our ( and the world over ) village. 

Is it any wonder that floods are happening? We tend to forget that meadows and lawns are nature's way of absorbing excess water....

The apples are nearly ready to pick. How marvelous to simply walk into the garden and pick fresh apples...


Tuesday, 20 July 2021

We've Become The Top Address For Lost & Wayward Animals.

 Another new lodger.

Last night I had a late call to work. An unexpected guest meant mum and I were cleaning a Kellerstöckl after seven in the evening. Early for some, late for me. Off I drove with Bob still telling me that more than likely he would be asleep when I got back. Fair enough, he works hard and gets up early.

Fast forward an hour and I approached our driveway as quietly as possible so as not to wake up Bob, but I needn't have bothered as he was standing in our driveway excitedly waving his arms as well as pointing at a grey tabby circling his feet.

Oh, the feral ( or so I thought ) of a day ago had turned into a domestic princess getting cuddles at Bob's feet. Most certainly a runaway house princess like ours. As she looked so hungry I rushed inside and selected one of Mausi's lesser favourites and went to give it to her outside. Gosh, she wolfed it down in seconds yet purring with pleasure all the same.

Clearly the notice she picked up along the way about those two living in Eisenberg having the best spread had proved correct. Gosh, Bob and I must be the first address of consequence for wayward cats, dogs and birds. Why do they come to us instead of our neighbour down the road? Never mind, we love hosting animals!

Most of the night this young cat alternated between sitting on our windowsill or in between our two front doors. Meouwing non-stop I might add. She wanted to be let inside to the land of feline honey!
Couldn't do it though but still, she had a nice place to rest her little head.

In the morning she was waiting for us outside the front door happy to see us. Bob was first and of course his heart has melted even more. When Maxi and I went for a mini walk, she followed. Every time we go outside the gate, she is there. When I carried cut branches down to the trailer, she followed. When I hung up the washing, she was there. 

I have posted photos online and hopefully this delightful cat's owner will be found as this cat is something special and deserves a lot of TLC.

Too cute!


Monday, 19 July 2021

How Many Glasses Are Enough?

 The de-cluttering muse has taken hold...

We all have them. Shelves full of a variety of glass ware either bought, eh borrowed or given. Wine glasses, soda glasses, champagne flutes, Schnapps glasses, beer glasses and the old faithful, the spritzer glasses. I bet you anything that like me you haven't used all of them before. Don't we tend to use our favourite glass for everything?

Having  shelf after shelf of glassware in our cupboard might look impressive but is awfully  impractical. Dust collectors and space thieves. The other day I saw a very aptly named YouTube video;
      "  I tried Swedish death cleaning and it worked. "....yes I know, rather ghoulish but so to the point. The crux of it is that we keep, collect and buy stuff ( such as glasses ) which we never use and once we head to our celestial home it gets thrown out by our kids. They don't want it even though we might have laboriously and conscientiously collected it over decades. No, much better to clear the decks in the here and now thus having a bit of breathing space in our cupboards and life.

Today I started on my first round of de-cluttering and isn't the first step always the hardest? Yesterday in a bout of spousal honesty ( he wouldn't even have noticed most of what would have been thrown out ) I told Bob my intention and surprisingly didn't get any opposition. Bob loves to hoard stuff, and actually me too. Jeans, t-shirts, shoes, glasses!, magazines & socks  which I know he wouldn't even notice if it were gone. 

Yes, he said, go ahead but don't throw out my old rugby jersey! As if I would dare...Once we made a rule to throw out ( goodwill ) an item when we bought a new one but like all good intentions it went by the wayside. Our wardrobes are full with clothes we don't wear. Ever. Of course it is jolly difficult to tear ourselves away from an old faithful wardrobe staple such as a pair of jeans that doesn't fit us anymore. And when it does  ( on the off-chance ) it is going to be sadly out of fashion. So what is the point? Well, throwing out one item a week is a good start and by the end of a year it could add up to 52 items...

So, I have started on my glassware and have wrapped a box full for the goodwill and it feels better already. At least I haven't just moved them from the kitchen into our barn for those 
' just in case ' moments when a bus full of thirsty friends and family come to stay...Day one done.


Sunday, 18 July 2021

A Lazy Sunday And A Rediscovery Of Homemade Garlic Bread.

 Homemade, so much easier.

Bob had a staff party yesterday afternoon and asked me to please make some garlic bread for him to take along. Like the ones I used to make back in South Africa when we went to braais. Thinking of making them is usually harder than making them.

Look, one can easily buy garlic bread, the processed kind that has a long shelve life but like anything else in life, the real thing tastes better. What does one need apart from a baguette, butter (vegan ), garlic, salt and parsley. Mix it all together and fill it into the grooves cut into the bread and bake it or put it onto the grill. Oh, and watch it being eaten in seconds. Yes, garlic bread is always a winner.

When Bob got home I couldn't wait to hear if the bread was a success. Don't want it be said that I can't cook!!! But rest assured, Bob gleefully told me that the first baguette was devoured by one team mate, the second by the other and the third by all and sundry. Yes, they loved it and never questioned the origin of the butter. What they don't know won't kill them.

Why did I forget about this culinary treat? Is there anything nicer than a tasty garlic bread? Somehow the garlic bread is a synonym for life. Homemade, handmade and simple is better. We tend to make life so very complicated and often feel that we need to surround ourselves with stuff that is anything but simple. Be it fancy clothes, furniture, homes  or friends. 

This week has brought home again the message that stuff is just stuff and not our life. Be it the horrid riots and looting in South Africa or the tragic flooding in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. We collect so much stuff and put our heart into it feeling that it defines us but in reality, all of it has nothing to do with who we are because it can be gone in a second. 

Simplifying or if you will, ' homemade ' gives us the chance or dare I say opportunity to develope ourselves further. Without all the trappings of modern living, we can actually expand our wings and be who we truly are. Wonderful and enough, even with little stuff.


Saturday, 17 July 2021

Pfizer It Is...

 First dose done.

If it hadn't been for Master Maxi treating me to a taste of his little sharp teeth resulting in my having to have a tetanus vaccine, I would have had my first corona vaccine a month ago. But, everything has a reason and from what is being banded about in the news lately, being freshly vaccinated seems to keep the Delta variant better at bay. Let's hope so.

My appointment was made a week ago and today Bob and I headed for Oberwart to the Exhibition Center which has been the epicenter for corona testing and vaccination for what seems like ever. When we arrived, Bob dropped me off at the front as he wanted to stay in the car. At least half an hour's wait as they make everyone sit for twenty minutes after the injection in case there are complications.

All very organized with a roll call of names that have done their twenty minutes. Extremely friendly and efficient too. Everyone there from the person taking names, to the one questioning about health problems to the doctor doing the jab. It made it so much easier and less frightening. On top of it all, it didn't cost anything. Austria is paying. Magic.

Today being Saturday, the hall was busy from word go. This time ( I was there about a month ago when Bob had his first vaccination ) there was a sea of families. Teenagers sitting with one of their parents awaiting the end of their twenty minutes. Might Austria be the first to be herd-immunized?

It made me proud to see such a phenomenal response to the corona vaccine offer and even yesterday the local news mentioned that Burgenland was #1 in corona vaccinations outranking even the mighty district of Vienna. Yip, small but packing a punch...


Friday, 16 July 2021

A Dog And His Bone.

A love affair that never wanes.

We try and make little Maxi's life exciting and special wherever we can. God knows, he's had a lot to bear in his almost 13 years. Whereas some would have taken him to a final visit to the vet, citing his old age, we would rather make the rest of his life ( long or short ) full of fun, treats and love.

Well, that's where the bone comes in. Firstly, him being part of the canine pensioner's club means a slight adjustment to bodily functions and their timing. Yes, bladders get weaker and loo sessions more frequent...depending on what is eaten and when. Oh yes, we've had the odd surprise find in the morning! Even bones have to be calculated into his toilet schedule.

Anyway, yesterday after lunch I gave him one of those dental-cleaning bones. Can't imagine that it taste anything other than toothpasty, but surprisingly, these bones seem to be the dog's biscuit. 

He has a method. Once I give him his bone, he sniffs at it then takes a few preliminary chews only to drop it about a half meter from his head. Usually in the middle of our path between lounge and kitchen, daring either of us to try and touch it. Gosh, such a small thing can get quite angry when he thinks we might be close enough to also have a chew. Angry growls galore, which then prompt him to take his bone to his basket in order to bury it under his pillow where we can't see or find it!!!

So, about an hour into his idolizing of the bone, I called him to go for his afternoon constitutional. Clearly he needed to go outside because he jumped up and started to run towards me but then all of a sudden he stopped and turned his head towards where he had dropped his bone. I could almost read his mind; will the bone be safe here or should I take it with me?

Honestly, he took a minute to decide and then when we were on the road he kept on stopping, wanting to go back home. All thoughts of toilet business clearly gone from his mind...but not from mine. No more morning surprises for me. The whole walk turned into a mini duel between us. He putting on all four brakes and me trying to drag him along. Talk about a one tracked mind. The minute we were back home he sprinted towards his long lost bone and was overjoyed to it still being there....who knows, one day Mausi might surprise us all and take charge of the bone.

Life with a cats and a dog is fabulous and never dull. Animals, the same as us, have oodles of character and personality. Love it.

P/S: When Bob came home he advised me that it might be safer to take Maxi's bone away ( half eaten by then ) because it might affect the timing of his having to do a business. And yes, I dared the lion's den by distracting him and hid the bone for the next day. Felt quite bad when he searched high and low for the next hour...


Thursday, 15 July 2021

Bits And Flowery Pieces.

Summer magic.

 Roses, plain yet stunning at the same time. Alluring and eye-catching. Happily lifting one's spirit.

A more disorderly affair! Happy mingling of tall and short, mauve and green and yellow and white...

It was very early so the sun hadn't yet directed these daisies to open their petals.

Lovely, isn't it? Love those red 'mops'. 
These delightful flowers are planted in a garden among the vineyards.

Wheat art almost reminiscent of the fibonacci spiral.

Almost too pretty to make bread from...The harvesters are circling in our area already and soon these fields will be gone.


Wednesday, 14 July 2021

Meditation Quotes.

 Advice from the past.

" Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them. "
Marcus Aurelius

" When you arise in the morning think of what a privilege it is to be alive, to enjoy, to love..."
Marcus Aurelius

" Look well into thyself; there is a source of strength 
which will always spring up if thou wilt always look. "
Marcus Aurelius

" The happiness of those who want to be popular depends on others; 
the happiness of those who seek pleasure fluctuate with moods outside their control; 
but the happiness of the wise grows out of their own free acts. "
Marcus Aurelius

" Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. "

" Wisdom is the oneness of mind that guides and permeates all things. "

" Often the prickly throne produces tender roses. "

" Under heaven all can see beauty as beauty only because there is ugliness.
 All can know good as good only because there is evil. "
Lao Tzu


Tuesday, 13 July 2021

De-Cluttering Our Back Garden.

 A rather fun task.

Bob's work colleague was so kind as to leave his trailer ( five time the size of ours ) in our back garden, ready to be filled by cut branches and the like. What a darling, what a pleasure. It goes so much easier when I don't have to lug each branch to the front of our house, put it in our trailer and drive it to the collection site. All that takes time and effort, thus it almost is a breeze sorting out the garden when a big empty trailer is parked in it.

Each morning after having walked dog, cat and myself I take an hour or so and head up into our garden equipped with shears, secateurs and hand saw. A lot can be achieved in that time and I have found that if I do it in bite-sizes instead of the whole lot at once, I carry on doing it while actually enjoying it.

This morning I got a bit adventurous and used the hand saw to saw a huge branch. Used to be a pesky shrub once but time has made it morph into a big old tree contender, one that thought nothing of using our barn roof as a resting place. No, it had to go and this morning I felled half a tree. Rather proud of myself as using a saw isn't as easy as it looks. 

Little by little our garden is getting aired and next month the electrical company is coming to chop our big walnut tree down. It sadly is getting too close to the municipal wires and our roof is not happy either as the branches again are using it for support. It will feel strange to have an open space next to our barn, but it has to be done.

Isn't it funny how life works? For years we hardly touched our back garden ( always feel on display as the guests from next door look straight onto and into it ) and now, we do almost everything that needs to be done at once. Long my it last....


Monday, 12 July 2021

My First Successful Attempt At Grooming Our Dog.

New horizons.

The afternoon started out as any other. A walk to further along any pressing matter for Mr Maxi. As I said before, he doesn't have an indoor toilet he can just hop into. Off we went and after about five minutes, success. Any dog owner's dream, knowing no surprises are in store for the night!

But, a little mishap ensued. Maxi being a Maltese, he is blessed with white-ish fluffy hair, everywhere. This afternoon the hair clashed with the business and you can guess the rest. A sticky affair. Now ordinarily, if it were to happen with Mausi, I would sort it out straightaway as she is extremely  docile and doesn't mind me helping in her cleaning routine. Maxi is another matter entirely. Remember, the last time I tried to help clean the side of his hind leg, his teeth made me see the error of my ways.

All the way home my mind was going through all types of scenarios of how to clean up his behind. No way would I let him loose in our lounge without being cleaned. Once we were back home, I straightaway heralded him into our bathroom. He knew something was up because he went limp and I had to drag him like a floor cloth. Yikes, I thought, not a good omen.

One thing I have learned with him is that if I explain it to him and let him sniff whatever I want to use on him, he seems okay. Armed with a handful of paper towels, cleaning gloves and enormous courage I went ahead.

Surprisingly, he let me. A few iffy turns but on the whole he let me clean him in his delicate region without so much as a warning snap. Brilliant, our dog is learning to trust us. Even when I had to resort to using scissors for parts of it, he didn't blink an eyelid. What a star!!!!

Now that I have succeeded that far, I might as well make a plan to bath him and trim his fur in other places...worth a try as the alternative would be to pay 50 euros at the doggy parlour...


Sunday, 11 July 2021

An Angel Among The Vines.

A cool and delightfully rainy day.

 A cloud or an angel? How majestic and divine indeed. Absolutely worth going for a walk this Sunday morning.

A few hours later and after a heavy bout of rain, the vines shine and look vibrant.  Wine is said to be the nectar of the gods and looking at this vine, one can easily believe it.

Some more of the celestial spectacle earlier on. 
It isn't often that the clouds in the early morning sky pose so prettily.

Nature, yet again, stuns in comparison to anything else. One can only imagine how intricate and wonderful nature's ways are, seeing that these wonderful vines end up producing awesome wine in a few months time.

I shouldn't forget the lovely fields behind the vines. Today they posed spectacularly in that brilliant light often had when the first rays of sunshine take over after a heavy dose of rain.

Another stunning day in Burgenland...


Saturday, 10 July 2021

Banana & Blueberry Ice Cream Addiction Rules In Our House.

 A thrifty yet delicious treat.

Honestly, you won't believe the amount of bananas that are thrown away just because the skin has become dotted with brown spots. In other words the banana is lovely and ripe but sadly, by European standards, a ripe banana is firm, brightly yellow with no spots at all. It won't be bought!!!

If only people knew how sweet a ripe banana is and how it lends itself brilliantly for making banana bread or our infamous banana ice cream. Lately, whenever I see bananas marked down or even given away, I take a whole lot and freeze them. Nicely cut into one centimetre disks and into small 

Bob and I were in town and only came back at a quarter to two. Hot, thirsty and hungry. As we got home I took a tupperware of bananas out the freezer and let it defrost while we had a spot of lunch. Dishes done and onto making this treat. 

I put some plant milk ( not too much ) in the blender followed by the frozen bananas and a cup full of frozen blueberries. The blending, I have to admit, isn't for the impatient. At least with our blender. Often I have to open the blender and stir the stuff along because it tends to get stuck. But, I get there in the end and I have to say, there is nothing more tasty than this ice cream mix. Cold, sweet and moreish...

Oh, and did I mention that it is extremely healthy? Imagine that, an ice cream you can eat as often as you like. Plus it saves some bananas from having made their long trip abroad for nothing...Saving the planet comes in all shapes, forms and sizes but they all count!


Friday, 9 July 2021

A Dash Of Flower Power.

 Always the wild ones...!

These white blossoms attracting bugs everywhere at the moment. They won't be there much longer as the mowers are never far off. Nice break from the solid green.

The pumpkins are almost grown...well, their gorgeous orange flower blossoms are dotting fields everywhere. 

Wild garlic I think...very hard to find this purple beauties name anywhere but  I sort of remember someone telling me that it was a type of wild garlic. Pretty anyway.

By chance I discovered this band of wild flowers ( planted though ) right next to a horse paddock. Great idea and this flower stole the show.

Another look at a pumpkin... it might land up in our vegetable stir fry in the not too distant future!

As soon as I turned into the sunshine, the colour changed. Still, a delightful summer morning's image.


Thursday, 8 July 2021

All About The Library...

 A place to travel the world.

" That perfect tranquility of life, which is nowhere to be found but in retreat, 
a faithful friend and a good library. "
Aphra Behn

" The very existence of libraries affords the best evidence
 that we may yet have hope for the future of man. "
T.S. Eliot

" The only thing that you absolutely have to know, is the location of the library. "
Albert Einstein

" We may sit in our library and yet be in all quarters of the earth. "
John Lubbock

" I found my religion: nothing seemed more important to me than a book
. I saw the library as a temple. "
Jean-Paul Sartre

" A library doesn't need windows. A library is a window. "
Stewart Brand

" Letting books take you where they might - that was one part of the Library magic. "
A.J. Hackwith

" When I got my library card, that's when my life began. "
Rita Mae Brown

" In the meantime, there is not an hour to lose. I am about to visit the public library. "
Jules Verne


Wednesday, 7 July 2021

An Ordinary Wednesday In Paradise.

The heat prevails...

Bob had to leave for work at  four this morning so the whole family got up extremely early. No, I lie. Master Maxi chose to doze another hour which we knew by the loudness of his snoring. Good golly, he takes the cake but it is kind of cute.

Once Bob left, Maxi and I had to wait another half hour before heading out for his morning constitutional. Not that the lack of light would have bothered him, but lately he has taken to bark the joys of spring the minute we head out the driveway. He is too precious; each morning he throws back his little head and lets out these little barks of sheer joy at being able to go for a walk...which of course is understandably frowned up by others this early in the morning.

Today was the day to get our yearly road worthy certificate renewed. A nail-biting task as there is always something but hey, it needs to be done and our car is now getting new winter boots and a few small lamps for illuminating the number plates. All in all a cheap round. While I was sitting at the mechanics airconditioned waiting room, I couldn't help but notice how busy this dealership is. People kept popping in, phoning for appointments and like me, waiting to have an appointment done. Nice, in the middle of nowhere a young guy ( about 30-ish ) has build a successful business, created at least four full time jobs ( nirvana of village living ) and is friendly and polite to boot. 

The heat is crippling and I have to wait a few more days before mowing the lawns. Those silly few who mowed in the last few days have been rewarded with an almost dead lawn and hardly any rain in sight. I tell you, the sheer madness of out-gardening one's neighbour could almost be classified a spectator sport. Like dominoes the lawns of a street fall prey to neighbourly need to outdo each seems that life hasn't changed much since the fictional village stories of St. Mary's Mead by Agatha Christie...


Tuesday, 6 July 2021

A Pesky Lot Of Flies Move In.

 How dare they....?

It is summer after all. Fly season. The other day I noticed the annoying buzz of a fly doing its best to irritate me. Yes, buzz buzz buzz around my head and always fast enough to escape any ad hoc movement of arms. One day...

Suddenly they have prospered and multiplied increasing the feeling of irritation in most of our household. Bob has taken to swinging the fly swatter around and in fact falls asleep with it on his lap during tv viewing. When he hasn't got the swatter at hand he hollers for me to quickly get it because if he were to get up, the fly would move. Nice one, as if it wouldn't move regardless!

Mausi of course thinks that this is the best thing ever. Her own little entertainment troupe brought in for her by mummy and daddy. She can sit for hours staring at a fly while now and again muttering some hart felt cat truth about what might happen to it if it were to be caught by her. Threatening fighting talk for sure. So far I have yet to see her catching any flies and it wouldn't surprise me if the act of stalking them is more fun than devouring them. As long as it isn't a bee.

Maxi couldn't be bothered apart from when they land on him. These flies should be careful as I can very well imagine Maxi doing a Karate Kid imitation. One snap and fly gone!

Yesterday it made me feel better when the neighbour down the road was lamenting about the fly plague they have in their house and yard. Shoo, not just us. Having a pond across the road can't be of help and our one line of defense, the birds, are so prop full of yummy avian cordon blue provided by us twice a day, that they couldn't be bothered with a vile tasting fly. Things might have to change little buddies. Start paying your dues and catch these flies before they enter our house.

Rural bliss comes with annoying extras because how else would we appreciate the lovely peaceful calmness unless we feel the buzzing assault of a couple of flies...


Monday, 5 July 2021

An Interesting Summer Ahead.

 The crowds, they have been gathering...

We have all seen it. We all couldn't believe it and we all for a moment wondered if we had entered the twilight zone. The crowds. Normally not worth an extra mention but due to our corona deprivation suddenly the pinnacle of socializing and stupidity.

The Euro 2020 tournament is almost over, but what has drawn more focus and censure than some of the soccer played were the crowds. Big crowds, no mask and hardly any social distancing. Give it a few weeks.

Yesterday, as nice as it was to watch the Austrian Grand Prix, the more perplexing it was to again see hordes of people totally ignoring social distancing and corona etiquette. Yes, so many have been vaccinated but so have those stricken by the Delhi variant. Makes one think.

Can it be that a couple of weeks of sporting events exploited to the fullest for every inch of money to be earned is going to send us straight back into another lockdown? Why, buy why couldn't it have just been shown on television? Yes, I know I am being a cup half empty person at the moment, but giving up being at a live tournament, concert or club is well worth it if it gains us a winter of some normality. 

Look I do hope I am wrong and that the variant won't have settled itself into the comfy lap of thousands of sports mad fans. Perhaps we have had a lucky escape and have shown the corona virus out the door for good...yet I am still hoping that most people will be reasonable and careful this summer and think of the common good instead of their own little celebration lasting a few hours but having the potential to affect us all for months.


Sunday, 4 July 2021

Mr Maxi Has An Interesting Night...

Mums and their crazy ideas!

Yesterday he had a touch of stomach upset which is easy to manage for us humans-private bathrooms as often as we like-but not such fun for a dog inside with only a few scheduled bathroom breaks.

Part of this upset might have been caused by his chewing half a raw-hide bone or perhaps just one of those things. Anyway, I was alert to any and all of his movements. Bob and I took him out for a late evening walk and it seemed the business was over and done. Great. Bedtime. All of us. Not.

I woke up at ten from a deep sleep because Maxi, who had chosen the spot next to me on the floor, was chasing his tail like a lunatic and still deep in slumber land, I got up, grabbed him, put on his collar and leash and hastened outside. Not thinking farther then having him do any business outside. None of that by the way but I realized that I was parading around in my pjs while it was still light and people about. Yikes. Back to the comfort of our garden but nothing from Maxi's side.

In we went and in order not to wake up Bob, all three of us ( Mausi too ) took up the business of slumbering in the lounge. An hour later out of the periphery of my consciousness I noticed Maxi  walking about, sniffing the floor. ( Recently we have had an unfortunate bathroom accident inside that has made me hyper aware of his movements. ) Oh, a quick sprint from me, picking up Maxi, putting on his leash and heading outside. Into darkness at least but again, after ten minutes of hovering up and down the road, not even  a #1 from him. In again. Back to sleep...until.

You guessed it, the boy was walking around the lounge, sniffing and scratching. Mausi was by the way reclining on the couch watching our progress with a languid eye and throwing me looks to convey the ease with which she deals with bathroom issues. The same procedure again, and I swear, Maxi was actually waiting for me to pick him up, take our torch and head outside. Nothing, nada, false alarm.

Suffice to say, it happened one more time until it dawned on me that the little man was hungrily searching for his other half of the raw-hide bone, that which I had hidden away. Serves me right for taking food from hungry dogs. Bob, when I told him our saga only laughed and casually mentioned ( because he knows I wouldn't have ) that I should have woken him up to help... 


Saturday, 3 July 2021

A Bit Of Confucius And Others.

Old fashioned good advice.

" Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall. " 
Confucius 551 BC- 479 BC

" Dogs and philosophers do the greatest good and get the fewest rewards. "
Diogenes 412 BC - 323 BC

" Life is really simple but we insist on making it complicated. "
Confucius 551 BC - 479 BC

" Most mothers are instinctive philosophers. "
Harriet Beecher Stowe 1811 - 1896

" The more man meditates upon good thoughts,
 the better will be his world and the world at large. "
Confucius 551 BC - 479 BC

" For they, the philosophers, were considered teachers of right living, 
which is far more excellent, since to speak well belongs only to a few, 
but to live well belongs to all. "
Lactantius 240 -320

" Old age, believe me, is a good and pleasant thing.
 It is true you are gently shouldered off the stage, 
but then you are given such a comfortable front stall as spectator. "
Confucius 551 BC - 479 BC

" By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you'll become happy; 
if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher. "
Socrates 469 BC - 399 BC

" While there is life, there is hope. "
Marcus Tullius Cicero 106 BC - 43 BC


Friday, 2 July 2021

Back To The Basics Of Eisenberg.

 Stunning scenery, of course...

An early morning layer of mist slowly ascending to leave us another seriously hot day ahead...

Peeping through the curtains of foliage...lovely and full of mystique.

The wheat is the crop de jour and can be seen thriving on many local fields.

The underbelly so to say....amazing yet strange to think that in a few weeks time this lot will have produced the flour for our daily bread...

Not to be outdone...a maize field across from these wheat ones. Magic when the sun x-rays the various blades of maize plants.

A few wild camellia flowers holding court at the edge of  the wheat field.

Nature is essential, yet basic all the same. That is until we don't have it anymore due to over building and over zoning of rural areas.

Let's try and keep as many green areas as we can and treasure them.


Thursday, 1 July 2021

The Master Of Mystery And More.

 Quotes by Arthur Conan Doyle and others.

" I have seen too much not to know that the impression of a woman may be more valuable than the conclusion of an analytical reasoner. "
Arthur Conan Doyle

" As a rule, said Holmes, the more bizarre a thing is the less mysterious it proves to be. It is your commonplace, featureless crimes which are really puzzling, just as a commonplace face is the most difficult to identify. "
Arthur Conan Doyle

" Depend upon it there comes a time when for every addition of knowledge you forget something that you knew before. It is of the highest importance, therefore, not to have useless facts elbowing out the useful ones. "
Arthur Conan Doyle

" Crime is terribly revealing. Try and vary your methods as you will, your tastes, your habits, your attitude of mind, and your soul is revealed by your actions. "
Agatha Christie

" Curious things, habits. People themselves never knew they had them. "
Agatha Christie

" It is a curious thought, but it is only when you see people looking ridiculous that you realize just how much you love them. "
Agatha Christie

" The great advantage about telling the truth is that nobody ever believes it. "
Dorothy L.Sayers

" There is no trap as deadly as the trap you set for yourself. "
Raymond Chandler
