Saturday, 24 July 2021

Saturday Musings!

 A trip to Guessing.

Our plant milk ran out. Both of us are extremely fussy as to which we like and after a lot of trial and error we have settled onto the brand from Hofer. Not expensive and not full of additives. It actually tastes nice be it in coffee or tea. Tea isn't easy to complement but this soy milk does.

The trouble it that at times it is out of stock. When it is in stock we take at least 10 unless there are only a few on the shelves.  Don't want to deprive another vegan! Somehow I figured that our stash would last until Monday but sadly, this morning the last container was opened and that is why I drove to get some more. Only at a Hofer branch, which kind of snookers us at times.

Not to worry, I managed to get a good amount this afternoon. And other goodies, now that we have a dog, four cats and an aviary of birds to feed. Each fussy as can be. Choosing the right food for each takes up a lot of my shopping time. I know, my own fault!!!

Driving this afternoon was a treat. Hot of course but scenic wherever I looked. The wheat has been harvested and many a field has an artistically strewn topping of straw bales on it. Absolutely divine. Gold on beige. Today was the first time I have seen folks stop at the side of the road and take photos. A picturesque day indeed.

Most of the villages I drove through ( took the back and more scenic route home ) saw a hive of activity in the various gardens facing the road. Lawns were being cut, flowers pruned and lawn chairs sat in. I can't opine on other countries but here in our part of Burgenland, there is a plethora of drive-able lawnmowers. The height of laziness especially when only a small front lawn needs to be cut.

One particular young man crossed my view. Young and portly sitting atop one of these mobile mowers. No wonder the rate of diabetes, heart disease and cancer is so high when these natural sporting opportunities are being outsourced to a machine. Progress isn't always good, is it?

All in all a nice and lazy Saturday and a great dinner ahead for all of our pets....


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