Friday, 29 April 2022

Some Inspiration.


 " Believe you can and you're halfway there. "
Theodore Roosevelt

" I can't change the direction of the wind,
 but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination. "
Jimmy Dean

" Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible. "
Francis of Assisi

" If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away. "
Henry David Thoreau

" To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. "
Lao Tzu

" If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. "
Milton Berle

" Change your thoughts and you change your world. "
Norman Vincent Peale

" Every charitable act is a stepping stone toward heaven. "
Rainer Maria Rilke

" If we did all things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves. "
Thomas A. Edison


Thursday, 28 April 2022

A Little Bit Of Scoundrel's Dictionary.

 Funny slang from the 18th century.


Bedfordshire........I am for Bedfordshire, i.e. for going to bed.

Corporation.....    A large belly. He has a glorious corporation, he has a very prominent belly.

Crashing cheats.....Teeth.

Croaker....       One who is always foretelling some accident or misfortune: 
                           an allusion to the croaking of a raven, supposed ominous.

Cut one's stick.....To be off.

Dog's soup....Rain water.

Fart catcher....A valet or footman, from his walking behind his master or mistress.

Friday-face....A dismal countenance. Before, and even long after the Reformation, 
                      Friday was a day of abstinence.

Irish apricots.....Potatoes.

Mopsqueezer.....A maid servant, particularly a housemaid.

Not a feather to fly with....Ruined.

Piss Prophet....A physician who judges of the diseases of his patients 
                         solely by the inspection of their urine.

Pockets to let....Out of cash; done up.


Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Burgenland, Miles Ahead Of The Rest.

 The repair bonus.

Only this afternoon I read about this ingenious way. The repair bonus. Such a simple concept, such a huge impact on wallets and the planet.

If you repair your defect, non-working or dare I say out of fashion electrical gadget the county of Burgenland will reimburse your bill to the tune of up to 200 euros. Isn't that brilliant? Seemingly old hoovers, cranky televisions, radios or fridges can now be re-introduced into the family. No scrap yard for them. Love it.

Burgenland, or rather its premier, has hit the nail on the head. Everything is getting more expensive due to the horrid conflict next door to us which translates to many folks not having enough money to buy new stuff. Especially a generation who isn't used to repairing things. A hole in your jeans-buy a new pair. A broken cord of any appliance-again, replace it.

Not anymore I hope. Of course the problem will be of where to get things repaired as the various tradesmen are disappearing fast. Although, maybe the new lot of school levers will start to eschew university for a trade. Tradesmen are extremely secure in their job and earn a lot of money with it. Not so sure about the oodles of accountants, lawyers, economists and Philosophers. True wealth is being able to tell people you are a mechanic, plumber, electrician or builder. 

As for Burgenland, it is tops when the going gets tough. Two years ago at the start of corona and its impact, it introduced a 75 euro holiday bonus. When one stayed at any holiday establishment in Burgenland for more than three nights, Burgenland reimbursed you 75 euros. Oh yes, Burgenland had a smashing year in regards to tourism and last year this bonus was repeated. 

This thinking outside the box is brilliant and makes me proud to live in Burgenland....


Tuesday, 26 April 2022

Working On One's Verge, The Perfect Vantage Point!

 A spot of gardening and more...

Yes, it is that time of the year again when one has to sort out the weeds seen by the old public. Especially those gracing the border of our long hedge. Dandelion and co. seem to thrive on the edge of our hedge and with a sudden burst of energy I attended to them this morning.

All done by hand apart from a few utensils but nothing motorized. Good golly gosh, our area seems to be the mecca of motorized gardening equipment, be it a sit on lawnmower or a electrical hedge trimmer. Don't they realize that the exercise done by not using the easy machines can prolong life like nothing else? Just have a look who sits atop the motorized lawnmowers!

Anyway, tedious work this morning but well worth it. My arms are like jelly, something usually only felt after a vigorous workout at a gym, and tomorrow my legs will make themselves felt for sure. It was rather comical; the eyes of one of my neighbours were felt, and the others too. Cars stopped and walkers too.

Seeing others working in gardens or on the house is a very soothing past time and I myself have partaken in it and felt the benefit from it! It is an ice breaker like nothing else and even this morning, one of the villagers stopped to chat with me about God and the world which normally she wouldn't have done. Often just a quick nod. A car or two slowed down to give me a friendly wave or more a case of trying to see what I was up to. Not often that I can be seen in the garden.

In a world where Twitter has just been sold for outrageous amounts of money to one man, doing simple and ordinary things like a spot of gardening puts everything into perspective. Social media has reached its zenith ( in my view ) and can only go downhill from here on...we need to be reminded that talking to a person face to face is what our society was built on and not those few trimmed down words and sentences read on a mobile device.


Monday, 25 April 2022

The Delightful Lilac.

 A visual treat around the neighbourhoods.

Whichever way one looks at it, it is beautiful.

All of a sudden the blossoms have sprung along with a marvelous buzzing of bees and of course the pleasing aroma of lilac. Winter is gone for sure.

One can't help but feel happiness when standing in front of a lilac shrub! Was there ever a more delicate shade of mauve?

Coupled with a blue sky and a white wall, the lilac bush shines to and in perfection. Another beautiful Burgenland morning.

Another lilac shrub, a deeper shade of purple but only due to the blossoms not having opened properly  Still a feast to behold...


Sunday, 24 April 2022

A Sunday Filled With Bright Tulips.

 Each more colourful than the next.

The delicate brilliance of the petals is simply breathtaking.

Like a group of friends hanging out on the corner...

Each year the same family of dashing reds keep vigil next to the fence of the war memorial.

The whole lot showing off their combined beauty and cheerfulness.

Stunning, aren't they?

A few odd dewdrops descending elegantly down the side of the petals. Nature, wonderful as always.


Saturday, 23 April 2022

A Bit From Leonardo da Vinci.

 Wisdom from the past...

" There are three classes of people: those who see, those who see when they are shown, those who do not see. "
Leonardo da Vinci ( 1452-1519 )

" Art is never finished, only abandoned. "
Leonardo da Vinci ( 1452-1519 )

" Nature is the source of all true knowledge. She has her own logic, her own laws, she has no effect without cause nor invention without necessity. "
Leonardo da Vinci ( 1452-1519 )

" Water is the driving force of all nature. "
Leonardo da Vinci ( 1452-1519 )

" Marriage is like putting your hand into a bag of snakes in the hope of pulling out an eel. "
Leonardo da Vince ( 1452-1519 )

Where there is shouting, there is no true knowledge. "
Leonardo da Vinci ( 1452-1519 )

" Just as courage is the danger of life, so fear is its safeguard. "
Leonardo da Vinci ( 1452-1519 )

" The length of a man's outstretched arms is equal to his height. "
Leonardo da Vinci ( 1452-1519 )

" Nature never breaks her own laws. "
Leonardo da Vinci ( 1452-1519 )


Friday, 22 April 2022

A Lazy And Rainy Friday.

 The plants are rejoicing.

In fact so was Bob. The forecast had predicted a day of rain which equated to his having a rainy day off. Provided it would rain before he normally set off for work and by pure chance or perhaps by his performing a rain dance, the heavens obliged and heaved a fair amount upon us. Enough to stay home.

Naturally a rainy day didn't portend well for the daily walks. Yikes, despite me covering his every step with a huge umbrella, he smelt the rat or rather felt the rain and turned tail after his most pressing needs were seen to. The rascal, but what can one do? Be sure to know that the rest of the day he stayed nice and quiet in his basket, avoiding all eye contact which might lead him to be taken for a walk....

The rain is doing wonders for all our gardens and yesterday a lot of us were seen and heard pushing the old lawn mower up and down lawns. Yesterday it was a hot and sunny 22 degrees and today a nice and chilly 8. April weather is all I can say.

Just now our little Mausi had one of her mutinous streaks despite having been nice and cuddly all day with either of us. Bob was sitting on the couch playing a game on his phone and she was strutting up and down the window sill, keeping an avid eye on the bird-house. They must have been guzzling up the sunflower seeds I had put there earlier because nothing else sets her off than to see them fly in and out of their feeding station.

A cat can whine like a teenager. Non-stop and with an annoying pitch of voice. She wanted Bob to open the window so that she could hear the twitter better but he was lost to his game, only occasionally shushing her to keep quiet.

Not satisfied with this, she hot footed it over to me, sitting at the kitchen table. Gosh, you should have heard her moan and complain. I could almost translate it;

     " Nobody ever listens to me! Why can't I get my way? The boy always gets his but I don't. Life is so unfair!!!! "

Whoever said that animals are just that, clearly hasn't spent time with a beloved pet. Each has their own character, each has their own foibles and each has captured our love...


Thursday, 21 April 2022

A Bit Of Esoteric From Louise L. Hay.


" I am in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing. "
Louise L. Hay

" Remember, you have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn't worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens. "
Louise L. Hay

" I do not fix problems. I fix my thinking. Then problems fix themselves. "
Louise L. Hay

" When we create peace and harmony and balance in our minds, we will find it in our lives. "
Louise L. Hay

" The thoughts we choose to think are the tools we use to paint the canvas of our lives. "
Louise L. Hay

" Every thought you think and every word you speak is an affirmation. All of your self-talk, your internal dialogue, is a stream of affirmations. You are using affirmations every moment whether you know it or not. You're affirming  and creating your life experiences with every word and thought. "
Louise L. Hay

" All is well. Everything is working out for my highest good. 
Out of this situation only good will come. I am safe. "
Louise L. Hay


Wednesday, 20 April 2022

The Art Of Gauging The Medical Helicopter's Approach.

St. Christopher on the fly.

It is yellow, it is loud, it is called St. Christopher and it saves lives. The medical rescue helicopter which sadly is called out all too often in our part of the world. Coming from South Africa, the thought of being transported by one of those is akin to having one foot in the grave. One only does it when no other choice is had because let's face it, that little journey isn't cheap and not all medical aids used to pay for it and that thought alone could worsen any condition whilst being flown!

Well, here the medical aid does. Often this helicopter is used for such ' inane ' illnesses as broken ankles, bones or unexplained collapses. Personally I think it is often not really needed because an ambulance would do the trick as well. Unless it is vital to get the person as quick as possible to a hospital of course.

So, I was standing talking to my neighbour after our walk, with Maxi impatiently romping at the bit ( the lure of his daily treats after his walk! ), when we heard the unmistakable sound of the medical helicopter. It has an unique sound, and the rotation of the blades almost give credence to the name ' chopper '.

The helicopter turned and came back once more indicating that Eisenberg was its destination. Yikes, a horrible thought. We carried on chatting until a few minutes later one of the young mothers came pushing her tired darling up the road. Another neighbour;

            " Birgit, do you know where the helicopter landed? "

Ah, it seems I am not the only one to let my imagination run wild. The sound of an approaching helicopter can often mean that someone's time is starting to run out. A terrible thought, but in a small village where everyone knows everyone, it is only natural that the bush telephone is being used to find out who the unlucky passenger was.

I hope that today's landing was due to a broken bone of sorts and that very soon that person will be back home and enjoying the many wonderful aspects of village life.


Tuesday, 19 April 2022

The Gardening Season Is About To Begin.

A bit of therapy?

" Just for one's health, it is very necessary to work in the garden and to see the flowers growing. "
Vincent van Gogh

" You can bury a lot of troubles digging in the dirt. "

" Gardening is the art that uses flowers and plants as paint, and the soil and the sky as canvas. "
Elizabeth Murray
" When a garden is used as a place to pause for thought, that is when a Zen garden comes to life. When you contemplate a garden like this it will form a lasting impression on your heart. "
Muso Soseki

" You never know what you do in life that leaves a seed behind that grows into an oak tree. "
Micheal Portillo

" Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant. "
Robert Louis Stevenson

" Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful:
 they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul. "
Gertrude Jekyll

" A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in. "
Greek Proverb

" Every leaf that grows will tell you: what you sow will bear fruit, so if you have any sense my friend, don't plant anything but Love. "


Monday, 18 April 2022

Tulips And Nature.

 Another lovely walk in our area.

Towards the end of my walk, heading into Eisenberg. 
Our house is nestled just in front of the forest in the back. Hidden yet in plain sight...

The tulips in the war memorial enclosure are starting to beckon us again with their vibrancy and cheerfulness.

Another perfect sunny morning...only to be pushed aside by clouds accompanied by the odd drops of rain later on.

A beautiful sea of tulips slowly awakening to a new day.

A patchwork road heading into the blissful surrounds of vineyards, fruit trees and Kellerstocks.

Their red has such a magnetic attraction, which makes it hard to walk past without paying homage. Nature, yet again showing us its might, beauty and permanence.


Sunday, 17 April 2022

The Green Shoots Of Easter Time.

 Changing nature.

Whereas last week all these blossoms were white and bright, now they are changing into their preferred green for summer. Still awesome.

The green leaves take many shapes and sizes, all according to type and use. The wind was howling this afternoon on our walk, whipping the branches and leaves from left to right almost as if it was trying to dislodge the last remaining blossoms.

Despite the strong wind we had a beautiful blue sky, which lent itself perfectly for revealing the true beauty of something as simple as a tree.

Not forgetting the humble dandelion which is ubiquitous in our area. Humble but powerful, be they in a salad or brewed as a tea.

Almost completely green. Oh what type of fruit you might shelter?

A nice way to end off today's missive. Almost resembles a cross, doesn't it? Fitting for Easter and its promise of renewal. 

A happy Easter to all...  


Saturday, 16 April 2022

A Stormy Day.

Preceded by a stormy night.

And so it begins. The summer phase complete with storms, rain and sunshine. Yesterday morning started off with brilliant sunshine which boded anything but the stormy climes to come. Before lunchtime the first drops had descended and with it banishing the lovely sunny summer morning.

We need rain, so I don't mind. The whole day was an on/off situation...the odd blue sky wrestling with the cloudy rainy one. Earlier in the day when I still had high hopes to have our washing turbo dried, I hung a load of it on the line. Well, they are still there, a day later.

Hanging washing is fun but taking wet washing off a line far from it. I read somewhere that rain on the washing acts as a sort of softener and that is why I left the stuff on the line. Yesterday evening the weather baulked and the heavens opened even more.

We had a storm of note complete with lightening and oodles of rain. The poor animals were in a state of panic with Mausi cuddling under my blanket and Maxi seeking shelter in Bob's arms. How horrid it must feel to them.

All along I asked Bob to keep an eye out for any flying underpants cruising past the window. His underpants! Yes, the stuff was still dangling on the line defying the storm to dislodge it. Luckily for Bob, I haven't sewn a name tag into them. Like school days or army days. But quick as a flash, Bob replied that perhaps folks would think that the undies belonged to Calvin Klein!

So, let's hope that this odd weather isn't a prediction of this summer in store and that not too many places were affected by too much rain. 


Friday, 15 April 2022

Some Happiness For The Weekend.


" Happiness is a warm puppy. "
Charles M. Schulz

" Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions. "
Dalai Lama

" We suffer more often in imagination than reality. "

" He who knows that enough is enough will always have enough. "
Lao Tzu

" Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get. "
Dale Carnegie

" A flower blossoms for its own joy. "
Oscar Wilde

" Happiness is not a goal...It's a by-product of a life well lived. "
Eleanor Roosevelt

" No matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, 
life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow. "
Maya Angelou

" The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts. "
Marcus Aurelius 

" Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet? "
L. M. Montgomery


Thursday, 14 April 2022

The Collective Fear Of The Hoover.

 Cat and dog unite!

It isn't often that I haul out our hoover but when I do there tends to be pandemonium in our house. Firstly, I take the two carpet runners outside in order to give them a good shake-out. This action alone, no, actually my picking up the edge of a carpet, makes Mausi bolt for dear life. She knows what action follows the lifting of carpets!

Maxi is still slow to the carpet signal mainly because he can't see too well. A bolting cat should give him a clue! Once the hoover is hovering above the floors, and often with a loud fanfare, even Maxi tries to gauge the safest way to escape the cleaning monster.

How come they are both so afraid of this hoover? Mausi has even learnt to define my actions and when they are over. She knows that I have to un-or rather re-plug between the lounge and the kitchen thus correctly interpreting the silence between the two stages as only a short break. The evil machine is still to be used in other rooms! About a minute after I have switched it off a second time she comes hither from where she was hiding, safe in the knowledge that this bit of torture is over. 

Maxi tends to wait it out a bit longer. This is one of the only times where he goes through to our bedroom and safety. As if I would ever try and hoover either of them up. Even a loud noise from the tv won't budge them from their perspective beds as much as the fetching of the hoover. Should Mausi see me looking behind the bedroom door ( a perfectly good storing space ) she bolts. Clever little Miss.

Perhaps the answer is to get a cordless hoover as they don't make such a noise and no cable is being dragged over various floors. Or, of course the ultimate comfort for the little darlings would be the return of using a broom. Before the invention of hoovers, floors have been dusted and cleaned the old fashioned way, with a dustpan & broom. Truth be told, at times I think that this method is far more successful than the old hoover and quicker too.


Wednesday, 13 April 2022

The Sights & Sounds Of An Approaching Summer.

 Everyone's out enjoying the sunshine.

The tulips have blossomed and are yellow beacons of welcome. From one day to the next the buds have opened and revealed the yellow beauty within. Lovely for an April, divinely contrasted against the green grass.

The road is alive with kids calling their various minders. Mums and grannies mostly, the latter are being treated like serfs with shouts of : 

          " Pick me up! Take me over there! Let's go play on the swing! "

and you know what, the grannies love it and read each and every wish from the toddler's lips. The might of little kids is immeasurable and doubly so if they are cute as a button. Who but their mum could say no to outlandish demands?

A man down the road was watering his garden. Well, garden is a bit of an exaggeration as it is a field of brown earth. They have just moved into their new house and are now trying to grow a garden. Funny, late yesterday evening while I was taking the Mister for a walk, I saw him hopping about in his garden throwing what must have been grass seeds about. Good luck to him in this dry climate.

Another couple were taking out a tree stump in their garden and it looked like extremely hard work. The wife was picking at the stump while the husband gave her advice! 

The warm weather, today we cracked the 20 degree mark, brought forth many  visitors who made the best of the sunshine to visit friends or family. The upcoming Easter weekend has energized everything and judging by the number of cars coming from Vienna, it means that this year families will celebrate the long weekend together. About time too, after these dreadful two years of corona.


Tuesday, 12 April 2022

Visual Bits & Pieces.

 The mornings are a beaut!

A gnarly old tree sporting the most beautiful bouquet of blossoms. I think it is a cherry tree, but am not sure. Absolutely fab.

The yellow shrubs almost ubiquitous to our village which makes me wonder if there was a sale on back then...delicate, colourful and perfect.

Vines and celestial shrubs...

A bird singing the praises of this stunning day, hardly afraid of me and the camera.

The dandelions are out everywhere and here they are growing between the vines, perhaps perfecting the soil's quality.

A magnolia tree in our road, almost ready to drop its pink flowers. The magical aroma was still there.

Some more cherry blossoms. How amazing and awesome is nature for having developed these pretty blossoms, knowing that it will attract the bees who are vital in the alchemy of blossoms to fruits...


Monday, 11 April 2022

The Brave And Wonderful Adventures Of Parsley Our Feral Cat.

 A brave little soul.

Parsley, who has only recently become aware that we are his people and that getting cuddled by us is the best thing since sliced mice, is getting more and more adventurous. Most days he strolls with Maxi and I on our walks but only for about a hundred meters or so.

Well, this morning he again followed us with his peculiar gait and guttural voice. He doesn't meouw but more hums out of his throat with the pleasure of being included. Maxi knows his sound and enjoys his company. So much for fighting like cat & dog!

So this morning, a morning where we ( or rather I ) decided to walk the pond route ( about 1,5 kilometres ) the faithful Parsley was right alongside us at the start. The turn we took was new to him but he hopped along behind us until he realized that we were heading into unknown territory and I could almost read the indecision in his little face. Should he turn around or follow us?

Brave as a lion he decided to follow us but made sure to mark his path along the way. Maxi and I have quite a pace and every few meters I stopped and turned to call him. Gosh, he loved that and galloped to close the gap to us. A quick cuddle and on we went. The whole way around the pond, skirting forests and fields and the unknown, which must have been quite scary for Parsley. Yet, follow us he did.

The whole way he focused on us and didn't waver or get drawn into the attraction of a new bit of forest. The mice were diving under rustling leaves but he kept on the straight and narrow, always a few feet behind us. Eventually we got back to our house and once he noticed the familiar driveway he sprinted up it, straight to his food bowl. Yes, he was hungry after such a long and brisk walk.

Needless to say that after a hearty breakfast he passed out on the grass, recuperating in the sunshine and catching many ZZZZs.  Such a darling, such an adventurer and such a brave little one...

This is a photo from January, as I didn't have my camera with this morning. Parsley, slinking along with the gait of a bouncer! He is a big cat that can fight tooth and nail with the other tomcat but has a heart of gold...


Sunday, 10 April 2022

A Little Bit Of Amazing.


" It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credits. "
Harry S. Truman

" Amazement awaits us at every corner. "
James Brougthon

" If there was an observer on Mars, they would probably be amazed that we have survived this long. "
Noam Chomsky

" It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness. "
Leo Tolstoy

" I thank you God for this amazing day, for the leaping green spirits of the trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes. "
e.e. cummings

" The most amazing thing for me is that every single person who sees a movie, not necessarily one of my movies, brings a whole set of unique experiences.  Now, through careful manipulation and good storytelling, you can get everybody to clap at the same time, to hopefully laugh at the same time, and to be afraid at the same time. "
Steven Spielberg

" I have a great family, I live an amazing life. "
John Oates

" Isn't it amazing how much stuff we get done the day before vacation? "
Zig Ziglar

" For me, I don't expect to have a really amazing meal each time I dine out. Having a good meal with your loved ones - that's what makes the experience. "
Wolfgang Puck


Saturday, 9 April 2022

A Little Bit Of Age...

Oh the worry...

" Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. " 
Mark Twain

" Try to keep your soul young and quivering right up to old age. "
George Sand

" Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young. "
Henry Ford

" Just remember, once you're over the hill you begin to pick up speed. "
Arthur Schopenhauer

" True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class 
is running the country. "
Kurt Vonnegut

" It is not how old you are, but how you are old. "
Jules Renard

" Probably the happiest period in life most frequently is in middle age, when the eager passions of youth are cooled, and the infirmities of age not yet begun; as we see the shadows, which are morning and evening so large, almost entirely disappear at midday. "
Eleanor Roosevelt

" We are always the same age inside. "
Gertrude Stein

" Let age, not envy, draw wrinkles on thy cheeks. "
Thomas Browne

" It is sad to grow old but nice to ripen. "
Brigitte Bardot


Friday, 8 April 2022

A Gentle Walk Along The Hungarian Border.

Always a wonderful and visual walk.

 Wherever I looked, I looked onto Hungary. 

The church in the Hungarian village of Grossdorf can be seen from afar and is place perfectly set in the dales around the Eisenberg.

The morning light set a perfect backdrop to the Eisenberg and its vineyards.

Another fabulous tree. Aren't the landscapes around vineyards beautiful?

On my way back I came across these two gentle souls munching the time away. A lady in our village walks ( she never rides them ) all over the area and often also onto this makeshift paddock.

They call this type of horse a  ' Haflinger ', which used to be the workhorses of many places. Luckily this chap can relax and enjoy his life at leisure.


Thursday, 7 April 2022

Veganism Has Arrived.

It has moved from a niche market to a mainstream one.

I couldn't believe my eyes this morning. There at a local supermarket stood a display of chocolate Easter bunnies and half of them had a big fat vegan printed on them. Yes, vegan chocolate Easter bunnies from Lindt, which goes to show that we are in the mix as they wouldn't manufacture just for a few thousand people.

Veganuary this year had over 600 000 participants which is great. Every year more and more people are joining this movement either for health, climate or animal welfare reasons. Like a tiny snowball rolling down the slope, this movement will take on energy all of its own and overshadow the old way of eating pretty soon. 

For climate reasons it is perfectly timed although for some reason the word vegan automatically means an extra surcharge in price. Why I wonder? Perhaps because we are prepared to pay it...

Finally I espied the new Cremissima Vanilla Vegan ice cream at the shop. Oh my, does it look enticing! But, reason prevailed as it is almost two euros more expensive than the ordinary kind plus our freezer wouldn't have had space for it. Can't very well eat it before Bob gets home from work...or perhaps I could if I hid the empty container?

Even a local discounter has a new vegan range, all packaged in a uniform blue which makes it easier to spot in the shop. Often it takes half an hour longer to peruse the shelves as they tend to put the vegan stuff among the non vegan ones. 

This is such great news because each and every vegan meal eaten makes a huge difference to our quest to save our climate. Here's to hoping that at least twenty percent of the world will be vegan withing a year or two...


Wednesday, 6 April 2022

The Eternal Quest: What To Make For Dinner?

 The ebb and flow of dinner inspirations.

Some days it literally cooks itself. Everything falls into the right place, be it pan or pot and on top of everything else, it gets the nod of approval due to it tasting divine.

But then you get days, where nothing, and I mean nothing comes to mind. If it were up to me, I would bury my head in a big bowl of rice garnished with some butter,salt and pepper but that isn't enough for a hard working man. No, I try and cook nutritious and ample food for Bob and come to think of it, myself too.

Today is one of those ebb days. The whole way of our walk my mind was going through the various items still left in our fridge and larder. Yes, tomorrow is grocery day which translates to the nice bits having been eaten and used up. Let's be honest, there are at least a weeks worth of meals hanging about, but not the ones we want. I can't cook pasta and tomato stew every night...

I should shop with a grocery list but somehow it never works out for me. Oh, don't get me wrong, I do make a list but then I forget to take it or even look at it. Surely shopping without is a nice workout for the brain?

The irony is that the ' kids' have enough food for a while. Varied yet the same. Mausi's gourmet must have its own signature scent as she eats anything from them, be it bits, mousses or stews but she won't let a morsel of any other cat food company cross her lips. Rather goes on hunger strike!

Tonight I think I will make a curry with tofu, carrots, peas, potatoes and rice. Hold thumbs that it tastes nice and that Bob likes it. He is very easy to cook for but I know by the level of his praise whether he liked it or didn't. A licked clean plate does the trick too...


Tuesday, 5 April 2022

A Bit Of Springtime Cheer.

 Blossoms, what else?

Maxi and I walk past this cheerful tree every afternoon and today I remembered to take my camera along. 

The entrance to a romantic orchard. Maxi very patiently whiled the time away at my feet. Slowly he is getting used to me stopping to take a few shots.

A pink wonder further down in our village's main road. Absolutely stunning to walk or drive past.

Isn't it cheerful? Each time I walk past these line of blossoming trees, I have to smile and realize that the world is okay, at least our part of the world.

A bumble bee feeding at its heart's content. The buzzing was awesome.

Another look through the entrance of this orchard. As there is no proper fence, I might partake in a few of the apples, cherries and apricots this orchard has to offer. A few more months...


Monday, 4 April 2022

Monday, The Start Of A Hopefully Warmer Week.

 Snow, again.

Early this morning  the flakes started their dance to the floor but thankfully they didn't last long. It was and still is bitterly cold but it seems that as the week progresses so the warmth will too. Here's hoping.

Today I had occasion to fetch medication for an elderly gentleman at the top of our village. He is turning 100 in July. Can you imagine? His house is beautifully perched atop the hill and thus he has the most spectacular view of note. He sits at a huge dining table that looks straight out onto the veranda and the valley below.

A view to make one forget time, a view to make the thoughts chase each other or not to move at all. Such a stunning place to sit during the day. I only ever stop at the veranda door due to corona but I can still take note of his surrounds. To his right the television was spewing forth the horror that has befallen our time. The war.

Which makes me wonder how this man sees the events taking place. For him it is a deja vu of atrocity, stupidity and no humanity. He will know what follows a war, that is if one makes it out alive. It wouldn't surprise me if he did think the world a stupid place for repeating a war yet again.

The news today told about a report on climate change and how we have to act now. Not tomorrow, but now. The state of our climate is dire and heading into an inferno. But will we people ever learn?

Take this war in Ukraine. Why couldn't the world enforce a no-fly zone? Most of the destruction of buildings and infrastructure wouldn't have taken place then and if one fast forwards to the end of this war, a no-fly zone would have meant that precious resources needn't be used up in order to rebuild the country. The climate can't afford to have those resources extracted from the earth in order to rebuild something that two months ago was whole.

It saddens me to say that perhaps this world is in such a state because most politicians in charge of it are close to pension age, if not over it. They don't care as deeply about the climate as the young ones do for the simple reason that it won't affect them much!

I think that the world needs to rethink its modus operandi and hopefully some good will come out of these last few months, even if it is just a major tightening of everyone's purse strings and a pause in this incessant addiction to buying just for the sake of it. Let's stop this war, let's change our ways, let's save our world.


Sunday, 3 April 2022

A Little Bit Of Tree Art.

 The pulchritude of nature, yet again.

The buds are blossoming, the branches are awakening. Despite today's cold spell, the forest was alive.

A tree dressed to impress....

A spot of bright green! Isn't it a lovely bit of tree art? New life, new beginnings.

Another bright green, another winner. How intricate, delicate and perfect these budding blossoms are. Absolutely fabulous.

Tree art of a different outhouse being dolled up! Rather effective, don't you think?

Again the same a way it looks as if the tree is being hugged. Nature amazes me every time, and I can't wait to see the whole tree full of vigor, leaves and movement.


Saturday, 2 April 2022

And Just Like That The Snow Is Back!

 A lovely start to April.

They said it would snow but then again, they said it on April 1. Hearing about the possibility of snow in April, left firstly much to be desired and was quite a stretch of my imagination. Seeing that I had already moved the laundry on the line outside, planted some wild flowers for bees and friends and of course had contemplated the changing of our winter wardrobe to the summer one.

As I am looking out the kitchen window the snow flakes are hurtling themselves with great gusto intermingled with elegant twirls towards the ground. Are they here to stay for a while, who knows...
In a strange way, seeing the falling of snowflakes is a charming thing. Who doesn't connect snow with the season of Christmas, family and playing in the snow?

Before today's snow we have had two days of good rain. Not too prolific but gentle and all day long. A blessing for nature, for the vineyards and for all plants. If it was enough, I don't know but I sure hope so.

We are blessed that we have an oven that works and at the moment it is spreading a nice warmth throughout the house. When I see those poor souls of Ukraine, freezing and starving, I feel guilty that we are blessed with so much.

We have a home, heat and food not to mention family and friends. Our house might be old, bearing the scars of its age, but it is perfect to and for us. Only yesterday Bob told me about a documentary he saw about the building of social housing in Bavaria. They are building these social housing places with 60 cm thick brick walls. Just like the old days, just like our house.

What the brilliant folk of yore knew, is making a comeback in this day and age. Thick walls are perfect to save on heating...they keep the warmth in in winter and the heat out in summer. No need for fancy air conditioning and excessive heating. A win-win situation for people and environment.

The next trend of yore that might or rather should catch on, is the art of cooking with simple ingredients, with leftovers and from scratch. A win-win again...for our wallet and the environment.


Friday, 1 April 2022

A Bit More History.

 Old quotes.

" A life well spent is long. "
Leonardo da Vinci ( 1452-1519 )

" Every man at three years old is half his height. "
Leonardo da Vinci ( 1452-1519 )

" Who loves not woman, wine, and song remains a fool his whole life long. "
Martin Luther ( 1483-1546 )

" To God I speak in Spanish, to women Italian, to men French, and to my horse-German. "
Emperor Charles V ( 1500-1558 )

" I cannot forecast to you the actions of Russia.
 It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. "
Sir Winston Churchill ( 1874-1965 )   October 1, 1939

" History is a gallery of pictures in which there are few originals and many copies. "
Alexis de Tocqueville  ( 1805-1859 )

" Common sense is the best distributed commodity in the world,
 for every man is convinced that he is well supplied with it. "
René Descartes ( 1596-1650 )

" Drive out prejudices through the door, and they will return through the window. "
Frederic the Great ( 1712-1786 )

" Happiness is not an ideal of reason but of imagination. "
Immanuel Kant ( 1724-1804 )
