Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Burgenland, Miles Ahead Of The Rest.

 The repair bonus.

Only this afternoon I read about this ingenious way. The repair bonus. Such a simple concept, such a huge impact on wallets and the planet.

If you repair your defect, non-working or dare I say out of fashion electrical gadget the county of Burgenland will reimburse your bill to the tune of up to 200 euros. Isn't that brilliant? Seemingly old hoovers, cranky televisions, radios or fridges can now be re-introduced into the family. No scrap yard for them. Love it.

Burgenland, or rather its premier, has hit the nail on the head. Everything is getting more expensive due to the horrid conflict next door to us which translates to many folks not having enough money to buy new stuff. Especially a generation who isn't used to repairing things. A hole in your jeans-buy a new pair. A broken cord of any appliance-again, replace it.

Not anymore I hope. Of course the problem will be of where to get things repaired as the various tradesmen are disappearing fast. Although, maybe the new lot of school levers will start to eschew university for a trade. Tradesmen are extremely secure in their job and earn a lot of money with it. Not so sure about the oodles of accountants, lawyers, economists and Philosophers. True wealth is being able to tell people you are a mechanic, plumber, electrician or builder. 

As for Burgenland, it is tops when the going gets tough. Two years ago at the start of corona and its impact, it introduced a 75 euro holiday bonus. When one stayed at any holiday establishment in Burgenland for more than three nights, Burgenland reimbursed you 75 euros. Oh yes, Burgenland had a smashing year in regards to tourism and last year this bonus was repeated. 

This thinking outside the box is brilliant and makes me proud to live in Burgenland....


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