Saturday, 16 April 2022

A Stormy Day.

Preceded by a stormy night.

And so it begins. The summer phase complete with storms, rain and sunshine. Yesterday morning started off with brilliant sunshine which boded anything but the stormy climes to come. Before lunchtime the first drops had descended and with it banishing the lovely sunny summer morning.

We need rain, so I don't mind. The whole day was an on/off situation...the odd blue sky wrestling with the cloudy rainy one. Earlier in the day when I still had high hopes to have our washing turbo dried, I hung a load of it on the line. Well, they are still there, a day later.

Hanging washing is fun but taking wet washing off a line far from it. I read somewhere that rain on the washing acts as a sort of softener and that is why I left the stuff on the line. Yesterday evening the weather baulked and the heavens opened even more.

We had a storm of note complete with lightening and oodles of rain. The poor animals were in a state of panic with Mausi cuddling under my blanket and Maxi seeking shelter in Bob's arms. How horrid it must feel to them.

All along I asked Bob to keep an eye out for any flying underpants cruising past the window. His underpants! Yes, the stuff was still dangling on the line defying the storm to dislodge it. Luckily for Bob, I haven't sewn a name tag into them. Like school days or army days. But quick as a flash, Bob replied that perhaps folks would think that the undies belonged to Calvin Klein!

So, let's hope that this odd weather isn't a prediction of this summer in store and that not too many places were affected by too much rain. 


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