Thursday, 28 April 2022

A Little Bit Of Scoundrel's Dictionary.

 Funny slang from the 18th century.


Bedfordshire........I am for Bedfordshire, i.e. for going to bed.

Corporation.....    A large belly. He has a glorious corporation, he has a very prominent belly.

Crashing cheats.....Teeth.

Croaker....       One who is always foretelling some accident or misfortune: 
                           an allusion to the croaking of a raven, supposed ominous.

Cut one's stick.....To be off.

Dog's soup....Rain water.

Fart catcher....A valet or footman, from his walking behind his master or mistress.

Friday-face....A dismal countenance. Before, and even long after the Reformation, 
                      Friday was a day of abstinence.

Irish apricots.....Potatoes.

Mopsqueezer.....A maid servant, particularly a housemaid.

Not a feather to fly with....Ruined.

Piss Prophet....A physician who judges of the diseases of his patients 
                         solely by the inspection of their urine.

Pockets to let....Out of cash; done up.


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