Monday 2 December 2019

How Much Is Enough?

The lure of cheapness.

One can't escape it really. Christmas or rather shopping madness is ubiquitous and nonstop. Everything from hoovers to perfume is being touted as the must have of all must haves. Cyber days end and are replaced by cyber weeks. Days are black and blue all of a sudden and I am at a loss how so many fall for it all the time.

If companies and corporation are able to give us up to 90% discount on products, either they have beforehand upped the price or the rest of the year we are paying clearly way to much for stuff. Corporations, companies and shops are not known for selling at a loss, now are they?

Be that as it may and sorry for all those lemmings falling for these false promises, yet the main problem is that we all have too much stuff. Too many pieces of furniture, clothing, toys, shoes or toiletries. We surely don't need more of the same stuff that we've yet to use from the year before? Most of us are drowning in all the useless things we buy or get given.

When you look around your house, gosh even the room your are in at this moment, I bet that you can spot at least three items that you've hardly ever used, honestly don't need, are collecting dust and most important of all,

are the things that cause the clutter which in turn drags us down, makes cleaning difficult and neatness shear impossible.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could instead get gift certificates from friends stating that they would collect one, two or more of our unwanted things and thus give us the comfort of a tidier space to live in?


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