Saturday, 15 March 2014

Do You Sometimes Jump Off Your Treadmill To Enjoy The Simple Things Life Has To Offer?

There is more to life than getting a new ' anything '!

Who hasn't been on this stupid treadmill. A treadmill that we have put ourselves on willingly. Always having more, better & plenty ensures our constant trot on this treadmill.

" I owe, I owe, off to work I go ! "

Do we even think about the actual price tag of anything?

Apart from the monetary price tag, there should be a price tag that reads:

Birgit, this new device will cost you 2 years extra on your daily treadmill adventure. Enjoy.
Oh, wouldn't that be refreshing.

What are the moments in time, that give us a soul-buzz? Guess what, most of them don't cost anything. Free, nada, zero. The only hard part is to recognize them and appreciate them for what they are because these moments are what makes our life special and extremely livable...

  • Sitting with a freshly brewed cup of coffee on your veranda and watching a stunning sunrise accompanied by an orchestra of birds.
  • Your husband giving you a compliment or saying " I love our life together. " out of the blue.
  • Playing a board game with your kids and being with them for an hour or two without any smartphone interference.
  • Going for a long walk and breathing in nature.
  • Emerald green meadows and azure blue skies after a rather murky Winter.
  • Going for a walk with your dog.
  • Reading a good book and as banal as it sounds, having the time to read it.
  • Not having debt to pay back...because you are happy with those simple & free moments. Good golly gosh, imagine getting a pay-cheque where you don't need to apportion most of it to pay back a loan for something you bought long ago. ( Good blog on this subject by Mr Money Mustache.)
  • Giving back to nature / society and life.

The other day a friend of mine phoned me. She is extremely successful on her career ladder and still busy in reaching the next few rungs. Her life is a constant rush of daily commute ( a few hours at least ), leaving early in the morning, hardly seeing her husband and stress galore. Look, she likes this lifestyle. But when she asked me what exciting stuff was happening in my life, it made me pause for a second.

Could or should I tell her about how our feral cat is getting tamer and likes to watch me hang the washing on the line or how Spring is being delightful and what fun it is spending the day in the vineyards? I did the obligatory " Oh, this and that. "... only afterwards did the penny drop for me:
I love my life and am so happy living it.


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