Sunday, 15 May 2022

A New Era Of Doggy-Do Disposal Dawns.

 All it takes is a little black plastic bag...

I have noticed this last year that I seem to be the only one in our area who uses these little black bags. It is not that difficult to use them. Often it is more difficult to get a dog to do its business! Picking up these little heaps of surprise shouldn't stand in question of whether one has to do it or not. Yet, here it is assumed that just because a forest is close by the need to pick up doggy poop is not necessary.

From personal experience I know that when one walks the same route twice a day, all year round, that constitutes a huge lot of poos and who wants to constantly have to walk past it, make sure to not step in it and most importantly, keep the dog away from it. Using a little black bag to pick it up is a no brainer and even if it wasn't law, I would do it.

Well, in today's Sunday paper there is a big two page spread on the sins committed by dog owners. The sins of omission, the sins of not picking up! Well, in a province of Italy they have taken on this problem and are fighting with high tech weapons.

DNA testing. Yes, I thought I read wrong but no, it really is so. If an offending parcel of dog poo is found, a sample is taken to be analysed for DNA. This then is compared to the data base and one that any dog that is micro chipped is on. Yes, they can now find out who the offensive ' not-picker-upper ' was and fine them. Isn't that brilliant?

One or two counties in Austria are very keen to copy this system. Imagine how much money would come into the communal coffers? Even here in our little village it would be profitable, but only for a month or so, or rather until the bush telegraph has done the rounds and the first fines issued.


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