Saturday, 7 May 2022

A Saturday Filled With Rain And Reflections.

 A lovely day to spend at home and at leisure.

Rain keeps us indoors. Rain lets us take it easy unless we need to be outside. Rain on a weekend can't be beat. Yes, one naturally tends to at first complain due to the lack of sunshine and the exuberance of rain, but isn't it perfect for doing everything needed to recharge ones batteries and energy? 

Lounging on the couch with a good book and a cup of tea at hand is the perfect antidote to a stressful work week. Thinking of what to eat for lunch and the snacks leading up to it. Childhood favourites always come to mind. The old chips, ice cream and custard way.

The other day I read an article in a magazine and in it was a woman's reflection on growing older. She was turning 40 and had decided to go on a course in order to learn to be comfortable in her own skin. At first it sounded silly and cliche, but isn't that exactly what we are all yearning for?

Imagine that, being comfortable in our own skin. Not bothering or caring what others think. Being happy with what we are; thin, big, wrinkled, beautiful or not. Why do most of us always try and please everyone. Being liked seems to be the nirvana of society but is it really?

How often have we twisted and turned ourselves like a pretzel in order to please a person. Be it family, friends or mere acquaintance, only to find out in the end that it was a huge waste of time. Those that we try to impress by not being ourselves, can't be impressed. They will somehow find fault with even the tiniest thing. It is true and to be honest, we have all done it. Found fault where we shouldn't have done so.

If our authenticity will carry favour is an open question but it is worth a try. Being authentic is easy because we don't have to pretend to be a different version of ourselves. At the end of the day we should be liked for who we are not what we are. A fancy house, a beautiful wardrobe, an expensive car and all  of it neat and tidy are just trappings and not the real us. So, here is to learning to like living and being happy within my own skin.


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