Wednesday, 23 December 2020

A Divine Morning, Made For Walking.

 The sun was out and we were about!

Well, the sun was just making its appearance when we set off for our walk. A nice change after weeks of insipid rainy weather...

There is something rather soothing about a curvy road. A clear and solid turn in the road which often makes me pause to absorb it.

A few yards further along the angle of the sun changed and with it the atmosphere of our whole area. Isn't it stunning?

Ah, my Schatzi stepping about ahead of me, cool as ever!

I can't get enough of our Burgenland. Whatever the season, wherever the place, Burgenland is tops.

The far distance is actually the Hungarian part of Eisenberg but beautiful nonetheless.

Just what the doctor ordered...clear and solid colours make this manna for the soul. 

Nature, isn't she splendid? 


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