Saturday, 19 December 2020

Lockdown No. 3 On The Way.

 Beginning to look a lot like a continous loop.

Two days after Christmas our country will have another hard lockdown until the 18th of January. Isn't that crazy, sad and scary? Yesterday the prime minister held another lockdown speech and tellingly uttered the words which I have wondered about since the first lockdown.

              " We have to keep the economy open up to Christmas
                 in order to garner tax revenues.
               We need money to pay for pensions, unemployment, medical aid and the like. "

Yes, money is getting tight! Sadly most Austrians are so used to an extremely generous social safety net, that they couldn't imagine not getting 12 months full unemployment, up to three years maternity pay, government pensions etc. But, more tragically, the necessary steps to keep the generous social net intact - like social distancing, masks etc - aren't kept up by everyone. Ergo, another lockdown.

What if virus transmutes and the vaccine becomes useless? What if there is another viral pandemic a year down the line? 

We need better protection than merely locking down the economy. What if people were told to clean up their diets? Stop the fatty Schnitzels, fast foods and sausages. What if the government started to heavily subsidize fruits, vegetables, pulses and grains for everyone. Make them so cheap that most people can't help but include them generously into their way of life. 

 The main problem with the corona virus is that so many folks end up in hospital, many in intensive care which is why the lockdown is happening in the first place. Trying to lessen the assault on the hospital services. There is no illusion that the virus can be beaten by a lockdown. No, we are merely trying to stop a run on hospital services.

On the whole ( yes, there are always exceptions ) it is the unhealthy that are being struck down by the virus. Those with diabetes, heart disease and the like...the chronic mafia! Most of those have been proven to improve with a healthy whole food plant based diet.  Us National Library of Medicine  Isn't it about time to buck up and get acquainted with broccoli & co? 

Many will soon have no more employment, many will have less income and many will have none. Surely, trying to get the majority to change their eating behaviour is a small price to pay for surviving a pandemic? Not to mention the money saved by not having to treat all those chronic diseases which are mostly caused by a bad diet and lack of exercise....

...and it would be a giant step in combating our climate crisis.


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