Saturday, 26 December 2020

The Start Of Our New Lockdown.

 May it be the last one.

So, today is the day. Shops are of course naturally closed due to the festive season but apart from the essential ones, they will stay closed until the 18th of January. A long and arduous time ahead although most of us have become conditioned to this new phase of life. Sadly not all, otherwise we wouldn't be in this predicament!

Essential shops will be the only ones visited from now on. Food, money and medication oh, and libations are really all we need. The rest alas, will be bought online.

Grocery shopping is one of my favourite past times. Spending time perusing the various options available is fabulous. New treats might be found, new ideas had and stress left at the door. But, that could pose a problem for me. 

For the next few weeks it won't be a good idea to linger longer in shops. Ideally, I should have a shopping list geared for the various shops and basically hot foot it through the aisles with speed, agility & purpose. A tall order for me. 

Luckily Bob is coming with me on next week's shopping excursion and should keep me in check. Knowing that a slightly impatient man is either walking besides me, muttering for dear life, or drumming his fingers on the steering wheel is enough to stop me dawdling and dithering.

All of us have gone above and beyond this year and have become stronger because of it. The next few weeks might not be the most pleasant, but we are going to master them they way it is expected of us. 
This too shall pass....


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