Nature at its best.
Towards the end of my walk I stopped at the War Memorial to see the list of names, as I had just finished a local biography set in the time frame of those two dreadful wars. There aren't many flowers in that enclosure but those that are there are powerful beyond words. ...out of the shadows... Simple, elegant and very eloquent... Not a flower but our new feral lodger. He loves to squeeze into tight places and while the day away until supper time. He is getting much more friendly day by day...not surprising considering the meals Bob and I dish up. Outside a local cellar entrance a tapestry of leaves give it more import and elegance. The various layers that encompass my little paradise. If only you could imbibe all that goes with it...a buzzing bee, a passing tractor, a harvester traversing the field, the echo of a dog barking in the distance and an abundance of crisp clean air.Biggi
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