All ado about a T-shirt...
Sporadically Bob will question me about the whereabouts of his current favourite t-shirt. The Interpol one. I use the word question with intent as he has this angst that I have hidden, lost or even worse...given it away. As if!
Today we did our biannual clothes swap - our summer clothes back into a suitcase and the winter ones out of it. It can be quite exciting to reconnect with old faithful winter stand byes. Certain clothes are the adult equivalent of a security blanket. It took us about two hours and the best thing is that we cleaned up our wardrobes while at the same time getting a hefty pile together to donate to the Kleidersammlung. Oh how nice it is to have some space again...
All along Bob kept interrogating me about his Interpol t-shirt. Had I mistakenly thrown it away, had one of our guests inadvertently taken it home or was it hiding at the bottom of our wash basket. Oh, he sent me to check!!! When all the clothes were nicely organized he surreptitiously went through my side of the wardrobe in search of his blue treasure. Honestly, when I told him that I had just rearranged it and no, hadn't seen his treasure, he thought it feasible that I had forgotten that it was there...
Never mind, that sort of procedure regarding his ' favourite shirt / pants ' is a yearly occurrence. As a last ditch effort I noticed that he looked through his pile of t-shirts and lo and behold pulled out a crumpled blue Interpol t-shirt.
He grinned and was shame-faced at the same time but explained his sudden find so;
" Of course I couldn't see it there hidden among all of my old work shirts. "Bob's treasured find...
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