Saturday, 8 May 2021

The Drama Of Two Rodent Intruders.

 Sleep, what's that?

Both of us are intune with the sounds our little princess makes as she gets ready for bed...or not. Usually as soon as we go through to the bedroom she hops onto Bob's side of the bed and settles with him until he's asleep before hopping onto my side and whiling the night away, snoring in between making sure she doesn't get squashed when I turn over. Ah yes, a cat's life is far from easy.

Then there are those sounds Mausi makes where we just know that trouble is on the way. Once the shoe rack moves, the writing is on the wall. For some reason she heralds or leads any stray rodent or insect intruder into the vestibule and gives them a sporting chance to hide among the sea of shoes. More fun for her it seems as she loves nothing better than to pounce on the various pairs of shoes not caring a fig if they fall down noisily.

That's when we know that sleep is out of the question because she can go on all night and for all we know, eventually place an exhausted little rodent on our pillow...just for the fun of watching us wake up! Last night it was my turn to see to the commotion. Yes, it turns out that she had chased a little baby mouse through the house and it had taken refuge inside my new shoe. I only found out when I tipped it over and saw it crawling away.

By that stage, Bob gave his input on how to dispose of it. As if it were so easy. As soon as I got my wits about me, it ran merrily under our bed with an excited cat on her tail. The only thing I could think of to catch it was a newspaper which of course didn't work. Naturally Bob told me to get an old tupperware but chose to stay put in the safety of the bed! He even had the audacity to tell me to move faster!!! Luckily for me, Mausi was kind enough to pick the rodent up in her mouth and wait patiently for me to fetch a suitable container. Yes, honestly. When I hastened back with a container she dropped the almost dead mouse on the floor. 

One mouse taken outside, one cat praised and fed with feline treats ( ironic seeing that I just disposed of one ) hands washed and back to bed. For a couple of hours until I heard a repetition of Mausi flitting all over the place. Our wooden floor are perfect sound conductors!!! Nothing for it, I had to get up and migrate to the lounge as sleep was out of the question.

Didn't need to wait long. About five minutes after I settled down, in she struts with a tiny tail hanging out the side of her mouth. Yes, she had caught another intruder. Gosh, is there a mouse family below who sends the little ones up one at a time? Anyway, off the couch I jumped, fetched the infamous tupperware and set about collecting this mouse. Couldn't have been easier as Mausi made sure to drop it perfectly in front of me with nary a growl. 

The minute she saw me dispose of it out of the one window without a fly screen ( didn't wan't to wake up Bob by opening the front door ) she took up station on her feeding box, waiting for her next treat. Very proud of her catching these intruders and let's hope for a break tonight...


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