Sunday, 31 March 2013

Do Manners Still Count ?

Are we teaching it to the next generation ?

Someone posted a lament on how today's youth is not up-to-date with manners. Interesting on so many fronts. Yet it certainly got a reaction. I must say, there are times where I think ' has nobody taught you manners ? '

But is it because the younger generation hasn't learnt manners or is it just a generational thing ? You know in our parents view, we were wild and often heard stories of : " When I was young this wouldn't have been allowed ". Have we turned into ' that ' generation..

As a teenager or twenty-something, you have no idea how important manners really are. They can open and close doors in your life. Something as simple as " Hello, how are you ? " and " Please & Thank You " can make you glide along life's paths. Without it the road ahead could get sticky and at times closed for you !

My parents mostly taught me what manners are and ( most importantly ) to apply them. Luckily school re-enforced them. My school life involved school uniforms, strict rules and consequences. Here are a few :

  • Skirts couldn't be above the knee, and there were rules on how to wear your uniform...mainly with pride.
  • Anyone older, even pupils, were to be shown respect and greeted when seen.
  • When riding home on the school bus, you gave up your seat for any older person.
  • When in school uniform ( even out of school grounds ) you had to be respectful and polite. When tales did get back to the school, detention involved weeding the garden.
  • When entering a door, you stood back for the older person and held the door open for them.

A lot of you will shake your head at this and at the time I did too, but now I realize how vitally important simple manners are. Oh, there are times when I am far from perfect...who isn't ?

Biggi, Please. Thanks: The Essential Guide to Teaching Your Child Manners, Respect and the Social Skills Necessary to Get Ahead in Life Dude, That's Rude!: (Get Some Manners) (Laugh & Learn)

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