Friday, 8 March 2013


Could it be a signpost that your life is heading in the right direction ?

They say that one way to notice synchronicity is if all the traffic lights turn green as you drive. Of course that yardstick is not applicable to me, as we ( luckily ) don't have any traffic lights in our village...!

But there are plenty of other signs. When you get the feeling that most things in your life are running like clockwork or rather like a well-oiled machine, then I think you have some synchronicity.

Here are a few examples of synchronicity :

  • You have an idea, and unexpectedly someone talks to you about the same idea.
  • An appointment you look forward to cancels at the last minute and in turn an even better prospect phones to see you.
  • You find a parking space right in front of where you need to be.
  • You have doubts that what you are doing is the right thing and a friend phones you to tell you that your work is making a positive impact.
  • You need a plumber / electrician / therapist / etc and the right person for the job will appear or be recommended.
  • You go to the doctor for a minor ailment and luckily they notice a more serious underlying problem which you would not have noticed in time.

What I think it boils down to, is that synchronicity shows you that you are living an authentic life. It is a way for you to realize that the path you have chosen is the right one. Most importantly it helps you to trust in yourself and feel good about yourself !

Oh, there are so many examples of synchronicity and I would love to hear about yours. Please, drop me a comment.

Biggi :Synchronicity: The Art of Coincidence, Choice, and Unlocking Your Mind :The Purpose of Your Life: Finding Your Place In The World Using Synchronicity, Intuition, And Uncommon Sense

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