Saturday, 16 March 2013

Enjoying An Evening Out At The Local Theater.

Pure entertainment and great fun.

At the start and during the Intermission it was the usual. Mingling, greeting, checking out other people and drinking the good local wine. Yes, an ordinary evening out at the theater !

Oh, I know you are most likely wondering how such a little village can boast a theater ? Well, the local theater group puts on a play once a year. A rather good one !

Sitting there last night with my family, watching the play, it just felt good being firstly able to watch and secondly being kept captivated and interested for three acts.

The play was a comedy and laugh we all did. The characters were richly exaggerated, yet done to a " T " and knowing the different actors as ordinary villagers, made their characters even more poignant. Oh and so very funny !

The play seemed to flash by so quickly as it carried us along in waves of entertainment. The laughs around the hall ( at least 300 people ) were plenty and applause was always there. Oh, did I mention that they have quite a few performances and are mostly sold out ?

There are so many wonderful facets to this wonderful gem. The gem of living in and being part of a little village. Ah, the good life...!


" Mingling "

Filling up.

Not so easy to take a photo in the dark.

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