Monday, 27 July 2020

Does Anyone Still Know What Day It Is?

Loosing sense of time and I fear, reality.

March seems eons ago. That month when all normality changed. Oh yes, of course we all followed what was happening in China back in January but more with the gleeful feeling that it wasn't happening to us and never could! Well, there we are, part of the whole after all.

Those weeks of lock-down went achingly slow yet unbelievably fast what with all the daily news of gloom and horror. Often I think back and wish I had relaxed more during it.

End of July and almost back to square one. If it weren't so serious it would almost be funny. You know the reaction of people to the fact that going away on a holiday might cause one to bring back more than a tan and souvenirs. Gosh, any woman could have told you that. Cause and effect. Let's hope that they reign it in again.

Daily onslaughts of not so great news, lead by the shenanigans going on across the pond or rather, being allowed to happen there, makes not such great fodder for our psyche. Yet, watch it I do interspersed with refreshing sit-coms or books. The date is a number at the bottom of my computer screen, time gets judged by feeling or the odd glance at the phone ( haven't worn a wrist watch in nine years ) and days have often been swapped without any major problem. Tuesdays morph into Wednesdays and Saturdays into Sundays.

Maybe it isn't such a bad thing to be slightly disconnected from timely reality and in fact it might hold the key to traversing turbulent, vicious and strange times. This too shall pass and I hope we will all have learnt from it so as to not repeat it...although, 1918 proves that wrong.


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