Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Nature, The Best Green-Grocer.

Abundance galore.

All of a sudden the dangling fruit is starting to look ripe enough to eat. There comes a point when insipid greens change to cherub red or shrill orange signalling to all and sundry ( especially me who likes fruit-load while walking ) to pick it. Apples are round and big enough to peep through the plethora of leaves and some daringly drop to the ground although that holds more attraction for ground dwellers like bugs, insects and deer.

The other day I picked a newly darkened purple plum of a tree but it was still lingering on the tart side and needed a few more sunny days attached to the tree. Bob is adamant that plums are only ripe come November yet might change his mind when I bake him a plum tart or cook up a batch of plum jam next week. I read the other day that colours are the key to health, the more vibrant and darker the better. Plums and blackberries slot right into that train of thought and the more the merrier.

We tend to conveniently forget that mother nature was the first pharmacy around and many an old remedy could outshine the cloned version of pills and tablets. We are so quick and happy to swallow any pill prescribed that we don't take the time to read up on nature and its many healthy treasures that could have the same benefit without any side effects.

But, to each his own. Some prefer to swallow handfuls of pills each and every day so that they don't have to change any of the eating and lifestyle behaviour that got them to that stage in the first place while others roll up their sleeves and eat the delicious smorgasbord of nature that has the ability to get them back to their perfectly balanced and healthy state...

" It is easier to change a man's religion than to change his diet. "
Margaret Mead


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