Yet another lockdown.
So far it is only those that haven't been vaccinated, but because the number of infections are so very high, it has been speculated that a lockdown for all is on the cards.
Firstly, there are lockdowns and lockdowns. In China for instance, they do a lockdown and it means that one is inside one's abode for 24 hours a day. We all saw those images of Wuhan where folks were going crazy in their apartments. Well, our lockdown is rather mild in comparison.
It is still allowed to do all the basic necessities to stay alive. Supermarkets, pharmacies, cigarette shops ( I kid you not ), doctors and of course going outside to do sport. Basically, a repeat of student life when money was tight. No cinemas, no clothes shopping and no theater. Could be worse!
The numbers have to come down. People ( vaccinated or not ) should reduce as many people contacts as possible. No parties, no Matura dances, no Halloween parties and no pubs. Surely we can all sacrifice these few pleasures in order to help the medical situation?
Lest we forget, the whole point of doing all these anti corona measures is so that the hospitals aren't overrun and on the brink of collapsing under the onslaught of corona patients. The majority of corona infections don't need any medical assistance, but unfortunately, the minority might. And that minority in a country of about 8 million citizens adds up to a lot of people.
It isn't enough for us to do a nightly round of clapping for the hospital staff. We need to change our behaviour so that most of us aren't in need of medical help. Minimizing our contact with others to almost zero and when we do have to be with others, we must keep a distance, wash our hands and wear a FFP2 mask.
I think it is now time for local role models to walk the talk. Mayors should only be seen masked in public, and local newspapers should stop reporting on the various Matura balls that are still taking place in the various communities. That definitely sends a wrong signal to those reading it locked down at home. Our grandparent's generation endured much much worse during the six years of world war two, so we can surely forgo a few parties and such...
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