Thursday, 25 November 2021

The Early Morning Shift, An Icy Affair.

 Walkies with a difference.

When the need strikes him, it is best not to hover about. Like a good scout I am ready to go outside the minute he shows me that he is ready. Little Maxi can be snoring ahead like a trooper one minute and the next stumble out of his basket, ready for his potty run. A yawn, a stretch, an important shuffle to Bob's side for the obligatory cuddle and then off to the front door.

Often I am in the kitchen preparing Bob's lunch bag when a shout ensues:

 " Schnell, he's awake and out of the basket! "

Honestly, it could be a well rehearsed skit; I drop everything and hotfoot to the front door to put on my shoes, jacket, gloves and take two of his empty doggy bags. Once he stands before me I give him a quick cuddle ( not pressing anything vital ), put on his red winter coat plus leash and head outside.

My golly gosh has it been cold these last few days. Freezing, bone-chilling, finger numbing. Even though I feel like heading back inside after his ablutions, I can't do it as this constitutes one of the highlights of his day. A walk round the block, sniffing out competition, marking territory and stretching his legs. Too cute the way he has embraced his new neighbourhood.

These last two days we've headed out just after six and surprisingly we weren't alone. The school run is in full force and there are two mothers who drive their kids to the bus stop down the road. Still pitch black and freezing which can't make it too much fun. Never mind the kids ( 10 years old ) who have to sit in the bus for close to an hour to get to their school. Perhaps they can catch some more sleep on the bus.

This morning I noticed a few houses sparkling in their newly clad Christmas decoration. A glitzy affair with Rudolf, reindeer and sleds dangling off walls and roofs. Makes it worth it to head out so early as for some reason these decorations look much better when it is dark.

How both of us will manage the oncoming snowy season is still a bit of a mystery to me. Either Maxi will love the snow or not...plan B might then have to go into affect; carrying him most of the way.


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